Month: February 2012

  • News and Analysis (2/27/12)

    Foreign Policy is accused of publishing incomplete information about the IAEA’s recent experience in Iran,  painting a misleading picture that could cuase us to repeat the mistakes in Iraq: Foreign Policy’s Irresponsible Reporting on Iran’s Nuclear Program (Foreign Policy Journal) In Iraq, Done In by the Lewinsky Affair (Washington Post) Minaret of Freedom Institute President…

  • News and Analysis (2/24/12)

    “Despite strong statements from both the top U.S. and Afghan commanders, today’s violence took a sharp, dangerous twist as the protests spread into neighboring Pakistan. Radical and religious parties sponsored demonstrations in all four of Pakistan’s provinces, with protests in Karachi, Lahore, Multan, Peshawar, Quetta, and Islamabad”: Koran Burning Protests Spread to Pakistan (abc News)…

  • News and Analysis (2/22/12)

    ” ‘I can tell you one thing, we now have a golden opportunity,’ he said, smiling. ‘And in this golden opportunity, I’m not interested in control. I’m interested in delivering the best charismatic system, a charismatic, democratic system. This is my dream,’ ” says Said Ferjani in this report by Anthony Shadid: Islamists’ Ideas on…

  • News and Analysis (2/20/12)

    Avoiding both crony capitalism and a state-run economy, the Brotherhood’s plan include “a constitution based on the US model that guarantees investor rights and … transparency of public institutions, … a low, graduated tax rate,” competitive trade, and fuel subsidy reform that could “generate an estimated 65 billion pounds in revenue annually”: Ikhwanomics: The Muslim…

  • News and Analysis (2/19/12)

    The shocking story of how U.S. intervention on behalf of the oppressive regime is generating support for Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula … Washington’s War in Yemen Backfires (Nation) “Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly … and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg repeatedly have said that the police only follow legitimate leads about suspected criminal activity.…

  • News and Analysis (2/16/12)

    Ultra-conservative Islamist Presidential candidate Hazem Salah is calling on Egyptians to raise money in order to end the US annual aid to Egypt. But how long will the winning parties survive in Egypt if they fail to free up the economy to the point of self-sufficiency?… Islamist Presidential Hopeful Wants to End U.S. Aid to…

  • News and Analysis (2/15/12)

    The most recent Muslim-Americans denied the right to return to the U.S., his attorney had to travel to Tunisia and “raise hell” with the assistance of a U.S. Senator: Ore. Man Asks Why He Was Queried by FBI in Tunisia (AP / abc News) Rand Paul wants to send Egypt an unequivocal message, but Essam el-Erian…

  • News and Analysis (2/13/12)

    Syria rejects the Arab League/U.N. peacekeeping mission; al-Qaeda calls for the overthrow of Asad, but international military action is unlikely: Syria Rejects New Arab League Peace Mission Proposal (BBC) In Complicating Move, Al-Qaida Backs Syrian Revolt (AP /abc News) Syria: Why International Action Remains Unlikely Even as Death Toll Rises (Christian Science Monitor) Arab Peace…

  • News and Analysis (2/11/12)

    “Aero’s operations have spawned a dogged opposition movement in its otherwise conservative, fiercely patriotic back yard. The protests continue to gather steam after six years, despite counter-demonstrations and occasional threats, and amid uncertainty over whether Aero is still involved in what critics alleged was a ‘torture taxi’ business”: Ten Years Later, CIA ‘Rendition’ Program Still…

  • News and Analysis (2/9/12)

    For years we have urged Muslims to return to the sunnah of the gold standard; has the U.S. stabbed the dollar in the back by forcing Iran to go half-way there and paving the way for other Muslim nations (and the rets of the world?) to follow: Iran Evades US Sanctions by Paying with Gold…

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