Month: November 2014

  • News and Analysis (11/28/14)

    “The law would allow Arab Israelis found guilty of throwing Molotov cocktails and even firecrackers to be banished to Gaza; would deny families of assailants the right to bury their dead; and would expose anyone who waved a Palestinian flag at a demonstration to loss of their health and social security benefits”: 8 Harsh Ways to Deal with Arab Violence,…

  • News and Analysis (11/25/14)

    “Obama is positioning the US for more war. His dismissal of Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel today appears to be because the job the Nebraska Republican was brought in to do is no longer the task at hand”: Six Years In, Obama Gearing Up to Be a War President (Christian Science Monitor) “The witch-hunt of…

  • News and Analysis (11/23/14)

    “The state security prosecutor general ordered Mr. Bani Rushaid’s arrest on charges of harming relations with a friendly country, according to Brotherhood officials and local media reports citing unnamed government officials” … Jordan Arrests Muslim Brotherhood Official Over Criticism of United Arab Emirates (NY Times) … while in Egypt, a notorious judge referred five of…

  • News and Analysis (11/20/14)

    “Vengeance is ours,” saith the State. Not satisfied with the death of the murderer, Israel renders his family homeless … Israel Destroys Home of Palestinian Who Killed Two at Train Stop (Christian Science Monitor) … but the victims of “the deadliest in months of Israeli-Palestinian violence in the contested holy city[,] … many [of whom]…

  • News and Analysis (11/18/14)

    “The UAE cabinet approved a list of ‘designated terrorist organisations’ on Saturday, which includes groups such as Al Qaeda alongside more than ten Western civil society organisations that have since spoken out against their inclusion” … Islamic Relief Labelled as ‘Terrorist’ Group by UAE (Civil Society) … while in Britain, “Muslim charities [have] been ‘disproportionately…

  • News and Analysis (11/16/14)

    “Unlike Malaysia’s Kelantan state, which introduced the gold dinar and silver dirham for investment purposes only, IS proposes to make the coins the official currency, freeing their people from the tyranny of central bankers” … ISIS Planning New Gold & Silver Currency (Truth in Gold) … now if they would just stop murdering people; an…

  • News and Analysis (11/13/14)

    The Montgomery County School Board preferred to take Christmas off the calendar than mention the Eid al Adha: Maryland School Board Asked to Recognize Muslim Holy Day, Strikes References to All Religious Holidays Instead (Think Progress) Wondering what all the treasure and lives spent on Afghanistan has bought us? Afghanistan Opium Production Hits New High as…

  • News and Analysis (11/11/14)

    “Well known journalist and Egyptian author, Hani Shukrallah, tweeted ‘#Orwell’s_1984 never more popular in #Egypt, shared left & right on FB, thanks to police arrest of student in possession of the novel’,” but was the book the reason he was arrested? As one would expect in the increasingly Orwellian Egypt, “[t]he charges against the student…

  • News and Analysis (11/8/14)

    How do you transform a peaceful human rights activist into a militant radical? Tell him that democratic elections are the way to advance your agenda and then dissolve the legislature when the elections don’t go your way: In Stark Transformation, Egyptian Rights Activist Dies Fighting for the Islamic State (Washington Post) In the U.S., “the judge…

  • News and Analysis (11/5/14)

    “In the ex-Baathists, jihadists found organizational skills and military discipline. In the jihadists, ex-Baathists found purpose. ‘In Bucca, the math changed as ideologues adopted military and bureaucratic traits and as bureaucrats became violent extremists’”: How the Islamic State Evolved in an American Prison (Washington Post) The weapons are marked “FEDERAL LAW FORBIDS TRANSPORTATION IF REFILLED…

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