Month: July 2017

  • News and Analysis (7/29/17)

    Muslims are combining Islamic values of entrepreneurship, charity, education, and piety to resurrect a Detroit neighborhood: Can This Muslim Community Create a Model for Rebuilding Detroit? (The Nation) In what was supposed to be an apology the hateful woman again insulted the Muslims by accusing them of insulting Jesus, a sin in Islam that reveres…

  • News and Analysis (7/26/17)

    No one says they do not want a mosque in the area, yet similar arguments that it would disrupt the communities way of life have not prevented the approval of churches: A Proposal to Build a Mosque on a 140-Acre Plot of Land in Prince William County was a Major Debate Among Residents in Northern…

  • News and Analysis (7/25/17)

    Many of the supporters of the Anti-Boycott Act realized afterwards they did not know what they were actually supporting; Jewish Voice for Peace says: “Take Action to Stop Unconstitutional Attack on Freedom to Boycott”: Critics of U.S. ‘Israel Anti-Boycott Act’ Say Even Requests for Information Could Expose Citizens to Penalties (Mondoweiss) Israel abandons the policy…

  • News and Analysis (7/22/17)

    “Blackwater military contractors opened fire in a city square in Baghdad, killing 17 civilians in one of the worst episodes of the Iraq war” but now they have an even worse idea– for American taxpayers to foot the bill for them to rule Afghanistan: The ‘Blackwater 2.0’ Plan for Afghanistan (The Atlantic) It’s “the deadliest…

  • Barbary Wars and Barbaric Blogs

    Blog posts have been appearing that quote Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman from Tripoli in 1786, in the era of the Barbary pirates, saying that it is the “right and duty” of Muslims “to plunder and enslave” any who did not acknowledge the Prophethood of Muhammad “and that every [Muslim] who was slain in this warfare…

  • News and Analysis (7/21/17)

    Chuck Schumer and Ben Cardin eagerly sacrifice civil right on the altar of Israeli apartheid, proposing to make felons of American engaging in political activism supporting the boycott against Israel with penalties up to $1 million and 20 years in prison … Schumer and Macron Equate Anti-Zionism with Anti-Semitism so as to Target BDS (Mondoweiss) U.S.…

  • News and Analysis (7/20/17)

    The opponents of the Travel Ban argue that excluding certain family members from entering the U.S. is “nonsense” and the court should not define what “close” is… Justices Urged to Reject Trump Plea to Tighten Travel Ban (AP / abc News) … although Congress has the power to defund any of Trump’s executive orders, including…

  • News and Analysis (7/19/17)

    The mosque caretaker kicked the burglar in self defence and then … went on to make him scrambled eggs and sat down to let Boyle tell him about he he was homeless, had been in and out of prison and was having problems with his girlfriend”: Muslim Attacked by Knife-wielding Robber in Mosque Calms Him…

  • News and Analysis (7/18/17)

    “The State Department on Monday expanded its definition of ‘close family’ to include grandparents and other relatives that constitute a ‘bona fide’ US relationship for visa applicants and refugees from six mainly Muslim nations” … Muslim Ban: State Dept Expands ‘Close Family’ Criteria (Al-Jazeera) … yet the president and executive director of Muslim Advocates charges…

  • News and Analysis (7/16/17)

    “I put an emphasis on having sex only with your spouse, but having the full range of sexual experiences with that spouse. Islamically, there’s an emphasis on enjoying physical relationships within the context of marriage…. It is the wife’s right that her husband satisfy her sexually”: Taboo-busting Sex Guide Offers Advice to Muslim Women Seeking…

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