Month: November 2018

  • Emir abd El-Kader: A Teacher for the World (A Story of True Jihad)

    [On September 12, 2018 the Abd Elkader Project held a seminar  introducing  the Muslim scholar turned fighter turned PoW, turned exile, turned hero to the world, honored by Abraham Lincoln with a gift of dueling pistols and by a small town in Iowa that named itself after him, and by the International Red Cross for…

  • News and Analysis (11/28/18)

    Khashoggi killing revelations pile up: The Khashoggi Killing Had Roots in a Cutthroat Saudi Family Feud (Washington Post) Turkish FM Calls Recording of Khashoggi Killing ‘Disgusting’ (AP) A Saudi Agent Discussed Hiding Khashoggi’s Remains Before His Death, Prosecutors Say (Washington Post) Schiff Says Trump ‘Dishonest’ About CIA Report on Khashoggi (AP / News-Tribune) Turkish Police Search…

  • News and Analysis (11/25/18)

    “The blacklist has become especially frightening, some activists said, because it’s being used by law enforcement in Israel and the United States”: “It’s Killing the Student Movement”: Canary Mission’s Blacklist of Pro-Palestine Activists Is Taking a Toll (The Intercept) “In a historic move, Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky) may filibuster against massive aid package to Israel.…

  • News and Analysis (11/22/18)

    Thirty years ago “soft power” was associated with “the infectious attractiveness of American music, films and youth culture,” but today many associate the term with “religious soft power in the realm of Islam” projected by Saudi Arabia and Iran”: The Varieties of Muslim Faith Become a Vital Form of Diplomacy (Economist) Iran resorts to gas…

  • News and Analysis (11/19/18)

    The PA’s plan to force Palestinians into a social security system squeezes workers already saddled with debt with no way to guarantee a payoff in their old age: ‘We Want It Cancelled’: Palestinians Protest Social Security Law (Al-Jazeera) “The Trump administration says the point of these sanctions is to punish the Iranian government. But, Kamyab…

  • News and Analysis (11/16/18)

    A “record 55 Muslims won election last week from federal to local offices” … The Real Midterm Elections Wave Wasn’t Blue—It Was Muslim (The Daily Beast) … the victories of Muslim women have been especially meaningful to Muslim girls: The Election of Muslim Women to Congress Is Inspiring a Generation in North Texas (Dallas News)…

  • The Passing of Sulayman Nyang: Connecting the Dots

    Yesterday we laid in the ground the physical body of one of the most influential American Muslims of our time. Prof. Sulayman Nyang, for many years the head of the Dept. of African Studies at Howard University, was a member of the Minaret of Freedom Institute Board of Advisers for almost its entire history. He…

  • News and Analysis (11/14/18)

    The new Congress may gave us a glimpse into a conflict between the imperialism of Carolyn Maloney’s “feminism from above, bestowed on black and brown women by white ones” and “the progressivism of [Ilhan] Omar and [Rashida] Tlaib represents feminism from below“: Two Muslim Women Are Headed to Congress. Will They Be Heard? (Foreign Policy)…

  • News and Analysis (11/12/18)

    A “century after Muslim soldiers from South Asia, North Africa and elsewhere went to war for their colonial masters, a U.K.-based campaign is working to shed light on their oft-overlooked sacrifices”: The Forgotten Muslim Soldiers Who Fought in First World War Trenches for the Allies (Global News) An Israeli social media expert was present at…

  • News and Analysis (11/9/18)

    “A Jordanian source, with an inside knowledge of his country’s diplomatic affairs, told MEE that the Saudi decision is part of a bilateral agreement with Israel to put an end to the ‘Palestinian identity and the right of return for refugees”: Saudi Arabia Bars Nearly 3 million Palestinians from Hajj and Umrah (Middle East Eye)…

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