Month: August 2022

  • News and Analysis 8/31/22

    Choosing patriotism over power, the opponent of both American and Iranian intervention says, “This is not a revolution because it has lost its peaceful character” … Iraqi Cleric Sadr Calls Off Protests After Worst Baghdad Violence in Years (Reuters) … but a former Iranian diplomat has his doubts: Where Does Iran Stand on Neighbouring Iraq’s…

  • News and Analysis 8/28/22

    The arrest of the former PM “fuels Khan’s populist message which is rooted in the notion that the current government’s power was won sneakily rather than through popular mandate”: Imran Khan’s Arrest Could be the Spark to Light a Tinderbox in Pakistan (Responsible Statecraft) To Meta Ukrainian posts of  their “suffering or humiliation” by Russians…

  • News and Analysis 8/27/22

    “Under the 1947 agreement … the host nation guarantees rights of entry, movement and residence to those invited to U.N. meetings”: US Facing Pressure to Deny Iran’s President Visa for UN Visit (VoA) “More Muslim marriages end with khhula, the woman’s inalienable right to instant divorce, and not as it’s widely perceived through [the rightly…

  • News and Analysis 8/24/22

    Iran gives conflicting signals on dropping the demand that the IAEA “close its investigation of undeclared nuclear material found at Iranian sites in 2019”: Iran Drops Another Key Demand as Prospects for Revived Nuclear Deal Increase (CNN) Iran Says It Will Only Accept Inspections Agreed in 2015 Nuclear Deal (Reuters) The Sticky Issues Holding Up…

  • News and Analysis 8/22/22

    The general director of Defense of Children International – Palestine was interrogated for two hours without legal representation: Palestinian Rights Group Chief Arrested by Israeli Intelligence (Middle East Eye) A video showing that it was Israeli police that attacked the Palestinians “forced prosecutors to drop the investigation” … Palestinians Accused of Attacking Israeli Police See…

  • News and Analysis 8/20/22

    Gill’s assertion that good Muslims should disobey illegal military orders (as per Nuremberg) was deemed treasonous by the army which his former accuses of taking part in a plot that ousted him: Detained Aide of Pakistan’s Former PM Imran Khan in Hospital (Washington Post) The EU and the UN both decry Israel’s crackdown on civil…

  • News and Analysis 8/18/22

    Which is more cowardly: the murder of children or the attempt to blame those murders on your opponents? UN Condemns ‘Unconscionable’ Killing of Palestinian Children After Israel Bombing Campaign (New Arab) Gaza: Israel Admits Killing Five Children at Cemetery After Initially Blaming Islamic Jihad (Middle East Eye) The release of 11 “Hindu men jailed for…

  • News and Analysis 8/15/22

    Israel’s relentless serial murders … Another Palestinian Civilian Dies from Israel’s Attack on Gaza (Israel-Palestine News) Another Little Girl Dies from Israeli Strikes on Gaza (Israel-Palestine News) Gaza Child Dies from Wounds from Israeli Airstrike on Family Car (Israel-Palestine News) Israeli Forces Gun Down Teen, Wound Two Others in Hebron (Israel-Palestine News) Massive Israeli Invasion…

  • Innocent Until Proven Muslim

    [On August 10, 2022 the International Institute of Islamic Thought presented a book forum featuring Dr. Maha Hilal on her book Innocent Until Proven Muslim: Islamophobia, the War on Terror, and the Muslim Experience Since 9/11. The panel was Moderated by Mohammed Abu-Nimer (American University). Here follows our summary of highlights from that presentation. It…

  • News and Analysis 8/13/22

    Although “Iran’s government … distanced itself from [the threat to Rushdie] …, a semi-official Iranian religious foundation raised the bounty for Rushdie from $2.8m to $3.3m.” His condition is unknown: Salman Rushdie Stabbed Onstage at New York State Event (The Guardian) “He told officers that he was driving to Houston ‘to find a new place…

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