Author: Kevin Duewel

  • News and Analysis (11/22/10)

    Both Jewish and Catholic law can, and are, brought to secular courts on civil cases concerning marriage, divorce and contract law, and herein lies the objection to the OK law on the basis of religious discrimination: Sharia Law Dispute Goes To Court (WT) With perpetrators sentenced to only “15 and six years each in prison for…

  • News and Analysis (11/19/10)

    The commemoration of  Hajjar (Haggar)’s trials in the hajj teaches an American feminist that “God not only hears my prayers and answers them, but that He makes no distinction between the prayers of men and women”: A Modern Muslim: Hajjar and Maryam (Washington Post) Egypt takes billions in foreign aid from the U.S., but rejects…

  • News and Analysis (11/18/10)

    The verdict demonstrates the necessity of civilian trials to insure justice in the face of lynch mobs draw the opposite conclusion “that terrorism suspects …  get too many rights and protections in civilian court.”: U.S. Civilian Court Acquits Ex-Guantanamo Detainee Of All Major Terrorism Charges (LA Times) “The fight against al Qaeda is in Pakistan,…

  • News and Analysis (11/17/10)

    Blogger Kareem Amer jailed for calling Mubarak a “symbol of tyranny” and Prophet Muhammad (saws) “a spiller of blood” is freed ten days after the end of his sentence: Egypt Frees Blogger Convicted Of Insulting Islam (AP) “… the ACLU argues that the Obama administration is violating the constitutional” prohibitions of unreasonable seizures deprivation of citizens’ …

  • News and Analysis (11/16/10)

    Arrest of human right attorneys spreads; Iran should release Nasrin Sotoudeh (as well as Houtan Kian), and the U.S. should release Lynn Stewart: Iranian Human Rights Lawyer Is Latest in String of Arrests (Washington Post) On “Monday,  Mullah Mohammad Omar reiterated that negotiations would not be possible until all foreign troops — now at about 150,000…

  • News and Analysis (11/15/10)

    Karzai “wants American troops off the roads and out of Afghan homes and that the long-term presence of so many foreign soldiers will only make the war worse”: Karzai Call for End to Night Raids Irks US General (Washington Post) The pilgrimage can be a trying experience for those with limited means, but “[f]or over…

  • News and Analysis (11/12/10)

    “[M]arked by a dramatic walkout by Iraqiya, the main Sunni-backed bloc, in protest over what it said was the coalition partners’ decision to renege on an agreement hours after it was signed”: Tumultuous Parliamentary Session Threatens Iraq’s Fragile, New Government (Christian Science Monitor) And now, from the people who brought you the Scopes trial: Hearing…

  • News and Analysis (11/10/10)

    Obama pledged “to reshape American relations with Muslim nations so they were not ‘focused solely on security issues,’ but rather on expanded cooperation across a broad range of areas, from science to education”: Obama Pledges Expanded Ties With Muslim Nations (New York Times) “[T]he suspension of talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA) ……

  • News and Analysis (11/9/10)

    CAIR argues that the amendment violates both the establishment and free-exercise clauses of the First Amendment’s guarantee of religious freedom” and would ‘officially disfavor and condemn the Muslim community as being a threat to Oklahoma’”: Judge Blocks Oklahoma’s Ban On Islamic Law (CNN) Just hours before departure, “the group learned that the package had been…

  • News and Analysis (11/8/10)

    Over 100 terrorists have been captured or killed in the past year in Indonesia, but uprooting extremism requires means such as education and the strengthening civil society, including mainstream religion: In Indonesia, Extremist Activities Raise Questions About Effectiveness Of Anti-Terror Efforts (LA Times) By presenting “a mirror image of al-Qaeda’s arguments about the inherent perversities…

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