Author: Kasia

  • News and Analysis (7/29/08)

    Following a weekend of terrorist bombings which India accused Pakistan of involvement, skirmishing at the Kashmiri Line of Control brings about urgent talks: Kashmir Rivals to Discuss Firing (BBC News) Columnist Eugene Robinson denounces White House memos calling for a sort of “middle ground on torture” as a “hideous affront to this nation’s honor and…

  • News and Analysis (7/28/08)

    Reversing original statement claiming small-arms fire, the U.S. military admits soldiers panicked and fired upon a car speeding to work in secure zone: U.S. Concedes Victims Were Law Abiding, Not Insurgents (McClatchy) Sunni attacks in Iraq continue to demonstrate upheaval over the Shiite prominence and Kurdish claims to Kirkuk: Suicide Attacks Kill 57 in Baghdad,…

  • News and Analysis (7/25/08)

    Guantanamo detainee who provided information is now charged by the US in a court that does not recognize the right against self-incrimination: Hamdan Case is Built on His Own Words (Los Angeles Times) As sectarian strife continues, new unity government in Lebanon tackles the issue of militia weapons: Fresh Clashes Shake Lebanese City (BBC News)…

  • News and Analysis (7/24/08)

    Britain would like the current Hamas-Israel ceasefire to inspire major world powers to engage in dialogue with the militant group: UK MPs Call for Talks with Hamas (BBC News) China’s has exaggerated Olympics terror threat to justify harsh control in Muslim Uighur territory: China Says Breaks Up International Terrorist Cell (New York Times) Muslim Brotherhood…

  • News and Analysis (7/23/08)

    Sectarian disputes over the oil-rich Kirkuk province paralyze the Iraqi electoral process… Talabani Denounces Election Law (BBC News) … meanwhile the US ignores the underlying political and socio-economic problems, using military gains as a standard for success in the country: U.S. Military Says Iraq Troop “Surge” Has Ended (Reuters) Faced with the real-world situation in…

  • News and Analysis (7/22/08)

    Regardless of the next American administration, Arabs do not expect a change in US Middle East policy: Mideast Sees More of the Same if Obama Is Elected (New York Times) Recent ceasefire provides a window of opportunity to address Gaza’s deteriorating waste infrastructure: Israel-Hamas Standoff Deepens Water Woes (Christian Science Monitor) Residents fear Fallujah leaders…

  • News and Analysis (7/21/08)

    Ahmadinejad sticks with uranium enrichment program, but says the recent discussions with world powers were “a step ahead”… Iran Praises Latest Nuclear Talks (AP/Wiredispatch) … meanwhile US Secretary of State Rice criticizes Iran’s “small talk about culture” and threatens new sanctions, and the British Prime Minister, keeping Israeli interests in mind, threatened Iran with “growing…

  • News and Analysis (7/18/08)

    Amid concerns over growing conflicts, recent deals and discussions across the Middle East signify foreign policy reassessments, giving some reason to be optimistic: Talks Signal Mideast Shift (New York Times) As increasing numbers of US lawmakers visit Iraq in order to understand current conditions and policy problems… Baghdad Embassy Has Its Hands Full With Hill…

  • Trade Facilitation Ideas Aim to Help Those Who Need Trade Most–But will it work in the very worst of scenarios?

    On July 11th I had the privilege of attending CATO’s Capitol Hill briefing on the merits of trade facilitation for encouraging economic growth. on behalf of the Minaret of Freedom Institute. Cato trade policy analyst Daniel Ikenson and World Bank economist Simeon Djankov touted trade facilitation (TF) policies—including streamlined administrative procedures and infrastructure—as beneficial for…

  • News and Analysis (7/17/08)

    As Hizbullah supporters see it, the recent release of detainees proves that Israel only understands force: Despite Delays, Prisoner Swap Leaves Hezbollah Emboldened (Christian Science Monitor) US Secretary of Defense cites military performance of civilian tasks and lack of attention to economic and political growth as the chief reasons for failure in Iraq and Afghanistan:…

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