Author: Jeta Luboteni

  • News & Analysis (7/27/16)

    Bill Clinton’s invitation for Muslims to join his cause assumes that they are not American and that many of them do not “hate terror”: Bill Clinton Insulted Muslim Americans During his 2016 DNC Speech with this One Sentence (Mic) Gulen maintains that he is innocent and that the coup is contrary to his dearest principles…

  • News & Analysis (7/25/16)

    The latest terror attack in was carried out by an asylum seeker whose application was rejected last year. He has a history of suicide attempts: Ansbach Explosion: Bomber Pledged Allegiance to IS (BBC) Muslim-American votes will impact the 2016 Presidential elections … Muslim American Voters Could Swing Battleground States (Voice of America) … though only Libertarian…

  • News & Analysis (07/23/16)

    Although the motives of the Munich attacker are still unknown, Munich’s police chief thinks a “link between the new attack and Friday’s fifth anniversary of [Anders] Breivik’s attacks in Norway is ‘obvious’”: Munich Gunman “Obsessed with Mass Shootings” (BBC) Though scores of civilians were killed, the US believes its bombing of ISIS targets to be worth…

  • News & Analysis (7/21/16)

    At the Republican National Convention, Rudy Giuliani stands by his disastrous surveillance of Mosques in the New York area, and fails to name any leads the surveillance produced: Rudy Giuliani Brags About Treating All Muslims like Criminal Suspects (Intercept) The United States wants Turkey to provide proof that Gulen was involved in the Coup ……

  • News & Analysis (7/18/16)

    The investigation is still going on into the motives and background of the attacker in Nice. However, people in his community argue he was a bad example … Nice, France Muslim Leaders Are Heartsick and Furious (Daily Beast) … But seeking to malign Islam as a whole is still falling right into ISIS’ trap… After…

  • News & Analysis (7/16/16)

    After an attempted coup by a faction of the military, the Erdogan government seems back in control, but, blaming the highly secretive but heretofore peaceful Gulen (“Hizmet”) movement for the coup, they will not be dealing with the alleged perpetrators lightly … Turkish Forces Thwart Coup Against Erdogan After Crowds Rally (Reuters) … with Turkish PM Binali Yildirim…

  • News & Analysis (7/14/16)

    Sissi asked earlier this week for a “religious revolution.” It seems his idea of that entails everyone conforming to his ideas, and thereby erasing religious freedom: Egyptian Government Orders Muslim Preachers to Give Identical, Pre-Written Weekly Sermons (Washington Post) The author realizes the Muslims and Hindus in India “have lived in a state of un-institutionalized…

  • News & Analysis (7/13/16)

    “May used the Human Rights Convention she scorned as a means to halt the extradition of Gary McKinnon to the US – while allowing that of Talha Ahsan. Both had Asperger’s Syndrome. Both were charged of roughly the same crime. But Ahsan was a Muslim”: As a British Muslim, I’m terrified that Theresa May – Winner…

  • News & Analysis (7/11/16)

    The University Chaplain of Duke University makes a statement in support of Black Americans and their struggle for justice in the United States, including a call for reform within the Muslim ummah in general and within Muslim Student Associations in particular: Why Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, & Black Lives Matter to Me (Huffington Post) Despite all…

  • News & Analysis (7/9/16)

    Russia’s new law attempting to stop terror, is a significant affront to freedom. This includes a crackdown on “missionary” activity: including sharing religion outside church: Russia’s New ‘Big Brother Law’ Has Christians, Muslims and Jews Fearing for Their Religious Freedom (Deseret News) A far-right party in Britain is labeling British Muslim politicians as extremist “occupiers:”…

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