Month: December 2012

  • News and Analysis (12/31/12)

    In a subway system where aid ads implore commuters to side with “civilized” Israeli occupation forces against “savage” Muslims, a patron sides with the psychopaths, shoving a Hindu man to his death and then explaining to police, “I hate Hindus and Muslims — ever since 2001 when they put down the twin towers I’ve been…

  • News and Analysis (12/28/12)

    The government is blocking Wilson’s attorneys attempt to get the charges dismissed on the grounds that “they are based off of testimonies provided to undercover informants and contain no proof that Wilson intended on committing an act of terror” by alleging that unsealing “their alleged evidence” against him ” would endanger national security”: Alabama Muslim…

  • News and Analysis (12/26/12)

    “If there’s no compensation from the government, we will accept the compensation from al-Qaeda…. If I am sure the Americans are the ones who killed my brother, I will join al-Qaeda and fight against America”: When U.S. Drones Kill Civilians, Yemen’s Government Tries to Conceal It (Washington Post) “Final figures from the elections commission showed…

  • News and Analysis (12/24/12)

    After the second round of voting, the Muslim Brotherhood claims the constitution  has been approved by a solid 64% of the vote, but the opposition claims fraud, promising to continue peaceful protests and other democratic means, possibly forming a single opposition party … Egyptians Back New Constitution in Referendum (Reuters) Egyptian Judges Review Ballot on…

  • News and Analysis (12/21/12)

    As injuries mount despite police attempts to separate counter-demonstrating parties in Alexandria, opponents of the draft constitution, outnumbered both at the polls and in the streets, come to their senses and now pledge “to fight on to amend it during elections expected next year”: Egypt’s Opposition: If We Can’t Beat Constitution, Amend It (Christian Science…

  • News and Analysis (12/19/12)

    As the pro-torture camp in the US argues that “some utterance extracted by waterboarding in 2003 somehow contributed to the chain of events that led to Navy SEALs shooting an unarmed man in the face at point-blank range in 2011[,]” the European Court of Human Rights issues a unanimous decision on the CIA’s “secret detention and…

  • News and Analysis (12/17/12)

    With Syria’s VP acknowledging Assad may have to go, the regime warns against letting chemical weapons fall into extremist hands and an NGO finds Jabhat al-Nusra helpful in relief efforts despite the the trepidation with which other Syrians view the hardline Islamist organization and the “terrorist” label with which the US has branded it: Syria’s…

  • News and Analysis (12/14/12)

    Responding to an e-mail warning of Islamic indoctrination in the Dallas-area public school, “a former social studies teacher described …  as a ‘very socially and fiscally conservative’ woman who ‘watches Glenn Beck on a regular basis’ — found quite the opposite”: Irving Schools ‘Muslim Bias’ Investigation Instead Finds Christian Bias In Texas District’s Curriculum  (Huffington…

  • News and Analysis (12/12/12)

    Allegations of Muslim Brotherhood vigilantism threaten to completely unravel the already chaotic situation in Egypt: Egypt Crisis: Morsi Supporters and Opponents Rally (BBC) Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood Abused Protesters at Rally, HRW Says (Bloomberg) Who Really Holds the Reins in Egypt? (Spiegel Online) In Power, Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood Remains Secretive, Defensive, Critics Say (Washington Post) Muslim…

  • News and Analysis (12/10/12)

    “The moderate Islamist Ennahda party and the UGTT union are at loggerheads, a dispute that descended into days of riots recently as Tunisians vented their frustration over the country’s stagnant economy. Many blame Ennahda for doing too little to reduce unemployment and curb police abuses — the same complaints that drove Tunisia’s revolution”: Thousands Protest…

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