Month: February 2013

  • News and Analysis (2/27/13)

    Both sides offer hints of flexibility, but the tougheswt issues are still unaddressed and Iran’s upcoming elections complicate matters: Iran Nuclear Crisis: ‘Useful’ Talks in Kazakhstan (BBC) Analyst: Iran Needs Substantial Security Guarantees for Talks to Progress (Voice of Russia) Iran Nuclear Talks Conclude with Plans for More Talks  (Christian Science Monitor) “[C]harged with 12 counts of using…

  • News and Analysis (2/23/13)

    As the violence continues to percolate in Mali, the U.S. decides to join the fray: Islamic Rebels Fire Rockets at Military in Mali (AP / Kansas City Star) Mali Conflict: US Deploys 100 Troops to Neighbour Niger (BBC) “Asking us to submit sermons in advance opens a dangerous door… Once you submit sermons to be pre-approved and…

  • News and Analysis (2/21/13)

    With a second stash of covert arms and explosives seized by the National Guard, “[p]arties from across the spectrum agree broadly that a new government line-up is needed. Many including Ennahda say they want to form a broad coalition to build the next cabinet” but ambiguities over procedure pose a problem: Tunisia Wobbles Further as PM Resigns and…

  • Good Governance and the Islamic Philosophers (part 2)

    NOTES FROM THE IIIT CONFERENCE ON GOOD GOVERNANCE IN ISLAM: CLASSICAL AND CONTEMPORARY APPROACHES #5 [This is the fifth in a series of my notes on the International Institute of Islamic Thought conference on Good Governance in Islam: Classical and Contemporary Approaches held in Herndon, VA. These notes have only been lightly edited and represent…

  • Good Governance and the Islamic Philosophers (part 1)

    NOTES FROM THE IIIT CONFERENCE ON GOOD GOVERNANCE IN ISLAM: CLASSICAL AND CONTEMPORARY APPROACHES #4 [This is the fourth in a series of my notes on the International Institute of Islamic Thought conference on Good Governance in Islam: Classical and Contemporary Approaches held in Herndon, VA. These notes have only been lightly edited and represent…

  • News and Anaysis (2/19/13)

    “As many as 4,000 women began a sit-in in Quetta, in south-west Pakistan, on Sunday evening. The blocked a road and refused to carry out the traditional ritual of burying the Hazara dead until action was taken against the bombers”: Quetta: Shia Hazaras Refuse to Bury Pakistan Bomb Dead (BBC) An AP photographer at the scene…

  • News and Analysis (2/17/13)

    “Pakistan’s unpopular government, which is gearing up for elections expected within months, faced growing anger on Sunday for failing to deliver stability after a sectarian bombing in the city of Quetta killed 81 people”: Pakistan Anger Grows After Sectarian Terrorist Attack Kills 81 (Christian Science Monitor) The Kansas law promoted as protection for women now…

  • News and Analysis (2/14/13)

    Ultraconservatives dismiss interfaith dialog as mere formality, but mainstream Muslims see Benedict’s resignation as an opportunity; Qaradawi is “optimistic”: Muslim Leaders See Renewed Dialogue with New Pope (Interacksyon) “The educated and upwardly mobile youth armed with the internet are gravitating towards different interpretations of the second largest faith presented by scholars from American and European…

  • News and Analysis (2/12/13)

    After repeatedly insisting that its uranium enrichment was strictly for peaceful uses, Iran shocks the world by admitting that it has already started converting some of its uranium stockpile into — fuel … Iran Soothes Nuclear Tensions by Resuming Uranium Conversion (Guardian) … and softens its stand on inspections, to boot: Iran May Allow UN…

  • News and Analysis (2/10/13)

    With violence appearing, secularists deserting the ruling coalition, the Ennahda Party at odds with its own PM, and no draft constitution in place, Tunisia is unprepared for the June elections, leaving the success of the most encouraging case of Arab spring transition to democratic liberal Islamic government in doubt: Violent Tide of Salafism Threatens the…

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