Month: December 2016

  • News and Analysis (12/30/16)

    A van the Combined Joint Strike Force believed to be “carrying Isis fighters was targeted and hit in the airstrike … in what was later determined to be a hospital compound parking lot resulting in possible civilian casualties” … US Military Says Mosul Airstrike May Have Killed Civilians at Hospital (Guardian) … Iraqi forces have taken…

  • News and Analysis (12/27/16)

    “Al-Jazeera issued a statement later on Sunday denying the “fabricated charges” brought against Hussein and demanding his immediate release, adding that he was in Egypt on vacation and not for work”: Egypt Arrests Al-Jazeera Journalist over ‘Provoking Sedition’ (Guardian) “Turkey denies that it blocks the internet, and has previously blamed outages on spikes in usage…

  • News and Analysis (12/24/16)

    “Applause broke out in the 15-member Security Council’s chambers after the vote on the measure, which passed 14 to 0,” at the U.S. break with Israel’s denial of the settlements’ illegality … Rebuffing Israel, U.S. Allows Censure Over Settlements (NY Times) … “Egypt withdrew its sponsorship after the country’s president spoke by phone with Trump,…

  • News and Analysis (12/21/16)

    “ISIS took responsibility for Monday’s attack, claiming the suspect is ‘a soldier of the Islamic State,” according to a statement released by the terrorist group’s Amaq News Channel’”: German Authorities Confirm Manhunt for Tunisian Man Wanted over Berlin Attack (AP / abc News) Jama tells the woman who inflicted several facial injuries upon her, “I…

  • News and Analysis (12/18/16)

    “Iraq’s Christian community has been persistently persecuted since the US-led invasion of the country in 2003”: Muslim Businessman Buys Giant Christmas Tree to Show Solidarity with Baghdad’s Christians (Independent) King calls “very effective in stopping terrorism and they really should be a model for the country” the surveillance program that the NYPD “was forced to admit…

  • News and Analysis (12/15/16)

    Taking “the debunking of the ‘official’ tale to a public and official level. Based on government documents from a Turkish court,” a Turkish MP refuted “the West’s long-running excited belief that Assad had ‘gassed his own people’”: The Syrian-Sarin ‘False Flag’ Lesson ( “Nearly nine out of ten Hindus in the United States and two…

  • The Attack on St. Mark’s Cathedral in Cairo

    [These are my answers to questions by Javier Méndez of El Mercurio newspaper on the Attack on St. Mark’s Cathedral in Cairo.] Q. Who could be the perpetrators of this attack against the Coptic Cathedral in Cairo and for what purpose they did? A. Although ISIS supporters have celebrated the attack on social media, no…

  • News and Analysis (12/12/16)

    “In bold white letters, the hatemongering message blasted President Obama for firing Mattis “to please the Muslims” and that Trump will use his hawkish cabinet pick, Mattis, to commit mass genocide”: Former Florida Lawmaker Allen West Shares Meme that Trump Will ‘Exterminate Muslims’ with Secretary of Defense Pick (NY Daily News) The letter “notes ……

  • News and Analysis (12/9/16)

    “I … felt unwelcome in my homeland for the first time. It’s something I had never known before”: Reporter’s Notebook: What It Was Like as a Muslim to Cover the Election (NPR) The senior pastor said that one of their security “team called the school because they felt the students appeared older than than traditional…

  • News and Analysis (12/6/16)

    “[T]he legend of Pearl Harbor, re-used on 9-11, is responsible … for the permanent war mentality of the past 75 years, as well as for how World War II was escalated, prolonged, and completed”: 75 Years of Pearl Harbor Lies (Foreign Policy Journal) “Elsokary, who regularly wears a hijab while on duty in Brooklyn, was…

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