Month: May 2017

  • News and Analysis (5/29/17)

    “The two men who were killed appear to have stepped in to protect the women from racial slurs”; … White Supremacist Arrested in Fatal Stabbing of Two Men After Anti-Muslim Rant in Portland (LA Times) … “More than 2,000 people attended the candlelit vigil at the Hollywood Transit Centre, where the attack took place, on…

  • Evaluating the Iran Deal

    Evaluating the Iran Deal [This is my summary of the panel on evaluating the Iran deal held at the Cato Institute in Washington DC on May 16. My notes are my paraphrase and not a verbatim transcript.] Wendy Sherman, Senior Counselor, Albright Stonebridge Group (interviewed by Laura Rozen, Diplomatic Correspondent, Al-Monitor) The bottom line is that Rex…

  • News and Analysis (5/26/17)

    To succeed at reform in his second term Rouhani must apply the “win-win approach he has defined for foreign policy … [to] domestic issues”: Rouhani’s Election Victory in Iran Was Dramatic, but How Deep Did It Go? (Christian Science Monitor) “Attorney General Jeff Sessions said the administration would appeal to the Supreme Court” … Trump…

  • News and Analysis (5/23/17)

    Rouhani won “partly on promises of continued détente with the West…. But Trump made clear in a landmark speech on Sunday that comity with Iran was not on the table” … Iran’s Hardliners Use Trump’s Speech on Islam as Excuse to Hammer Rouhani (Time) … his “Sunday diatribe in Riyadh … utterly ignor[ed] … the…

  • News and Analysis (5/20/17)

    “The goal … is not tolerance, as much as it is finding ways to use and instrumentalize Islam and Muslims to fight terrorism … [but]  the focus on religion runs the risk of distracting the U.S. from the political factors that it can more readily shape” … Trump’s Islam Speech and the Blessings of Low…

  • News and Analysis (5/17/17)

    Humiliated on return “from a vacation to decompress after a two-year military deployment to Kuwait … to combat the Islamic State”: Police Officer, Combat Veteran, Muslim and J.F.K. Detainee (NY Times) The Mesa Police Dept. will pay “thousands of dollars in public funds … [to] a disgraced former FBI agent with deep ties to anti-Muslim…

  • News and Analysis (5/14/17)

    Other victims include one whose phone messages were falsely called “ISIS material, … an Iraqi refugee” speaking in Arabic on the phone, and a couple deemed “suspiciously ‘sweating’“: Muslim Men Hauled Off Manchester Flight After Passengers Complain They Were ‘Making Gestures’ (Independent) Calling the law “outrageous” she asks if exempt persons including schoolchildren, “the elderly, people with medical…

  • News and Analysis (5/11/17)

    An Orwellian “memory hole,” as in “Donald Trump does not advocate a Muslim ban. Donald Trump has never advocated a Muslim ban”: Muslim Ban Language Suddenly Disappears from Trump Campaign Website After Spicer Questioned (Washington Post) “Bayan and other US seminaries … can’t produce graduates fast enough to meet the demands of communities desperate for…

  • News and Analysis (5/8/17)

    “Muslims who are serious about their faith and who are genuine in their commitment to liberty … can usher a reform in Islam toward ‘no compulsion in religion’ and freedom for all”: Islam and Classical Liberalism: Are they compatible? (Learn Liberty) Women in hijab on a Playboy cover and “Muslim reformers in hipster beards and skinny jeans ……

  • News and Analysis (5/5/17)

    “Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish…. Yet, it is the Zionists who constantly identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal entity” … Hamas Presents New Charter Accepting a Palestine Based on 1967 Borders (Guardian) … yet those for who nothing less than adoption…

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