Month: April 2019

  • News and Analysis (4/28/19)

    Anonymous students seek to silence Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters, Women’s March co-chair Linda Sarsour, Prof. Marc Lamont Hill  (“fired by CNN for supporting … a boycott of Israel”),  and Jewish critic of Israel Dave Zirin”: Students File Lawsuit to Stop UMass Israel, Palestine Panel (Daily Hampshire Gazette) “‘Kindness is a mark of faith. Those who…

  • News and Analysis (4/25/19)

    “Sri Lanka’s Muslim civil society movements and associations have called upon authorities to immediately arrest and punish the perpetrators of Sunday Easter bombings that killed more than 350 people” … The Latest: Sri Lanka Muslim Groups Denounce Attackers (WRAL) … and the leader of the group accused of the massacre was the subject of complaints…

  • The Israel Lobby and American Foreign Policy (2019)

    [These are my notes from the 2019 conference on “The Israeli Lobby and American Foreign Policy” held at the National Press Club in Washington DC on March 22. These notes summarize my impression of highlights of the presentations and are not an attempted transcription. The entire program may be viewed here. ] Walter Hixon (Author…

  • News and Analysis (4/22/19)

    He went to Afghanistan to fight Communism and left after it fell there, but years later he was sent to Guantanamo where Americans torture and threats to rape his mother induced him to invent lies against innocents: Guantánamo’s Darkest Secret (New Yorker) “No one has claimed responsibility for what Sri Lankan officials have described as…

  • News and Analysis (4/19/19)

    Candidate Trump correctly stated that American Middle East policy “made the Middle East more unstable and chaotic than ever before” but on Tuesday he “vetoed a resolution to do exactly that”: So Much for the Anti-War President (Reason) “[O]wnership of about 90 percent of land in the eastern part of the city is not listed…

  • News and Analysis (4/16/19)

    “A fire broke out at Al-Marwani Prayer Room in the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound yesterday, at the same time as the world watched Paris’ iconic Notre Dame Cathedral engulfed in flames”: Palestinians Tackle Blaze at Mosque in Al-Aqsa (Middle East Monitor) “Omar was arguably incautious with her choice of words… , but those who dragged her…

  • News and Analysis (4/14/19)

    The attacker was charged “with simple assault, harassment, cyber harassment and disorderly conduct” but the victim has also been punished: A Student Attacked a Muslim Classmate in ‘Bias Incident,’ Mayor Says. Both Girls Were Punished (Washington Post) Political loss in big city municipalities threatens “the large patronage networks and clientelist financial structure that offers highly…

  • News and Analysis (4/11/19)

    Trump’s unprecedented classification of a governmental entity as a terrorist organization not only threatens the stability of the region … Iraq Slams US ‘Terror’ Label for Iran Revolution Guard (Anadolou Agency) … and overlooks that “Iran has not posed a serious terror threat to the United States since the 1980s” … The Growing Obsession with…

  • News and Analysis (4/8/19)

    How and why the Saudis are changing their tactics for controlling the Islamic resurgence from donations promoting reactionary extremism to commercial investment promoting quietest conservatism: Kazakhstan: Testing a 21st Century Upgrade of Faith-driven Saudi Soft Power  (Mideast Soccer) The saber-rattling dance before the war: U.S. to Place Iran’s Revolutionary Guards on Terror Watchlist, Officials Say…

  • News and Analysis (4/5/19)

    Brunei is characterized by a lavish lifestyle for the sultan and “Shellfarism” for the masses … The Sultan of Brunei: Opulence, Power and Hard-Line Islam (NY Times) … Gulf state welfarism stands in the way of “copying China’s model of economic growth while tightening political control”: Economic Reform in the Gulf: Who Benefits, Really? (First…

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