Month: February 2021

  • News and Analysis (2/26/21)

    As Biden demonstrates his perpetuation of America’s Middle East war strategy by launching an unconstitutional airstrike in retaliation for a rocket attack in Iraq against the American troops … : U.S. Bombs Facilities in Syria Used by Iran-Backed Militia (NBC News) … Neoconservatives mull joining the Biden wing of the Democratic Party: The Neocons: Exit…

  • Libya’s Transitional Government and the Lead-Up to December Elections

    [These are my notes from the National Interest Foundation discussion on Libya’s transitional government and the prospects for December’s elections. These notes summarize my impression of selected highlights of the presentations and are not an attempted transcription. I have paraphrased in the first-person for convenience.] Federica Saini Fasanotti, Brookings Institution. We have good movement on…

  • News and Analysis (2/24/21)

    MP Asaduddin Owaisi calls attention to how development, such as schools, under BJP rule has skipped Muslim-dominated areas: Development in Gujarat Does Not Touch Muslim Areas, Says Owaisi (Indian Express) A police raid on Muslim children results in no public outcry: Police Brutality Against Muslim Children Under the Pretext of Counter-Terrorism in Austria (Cage) The…

  • News and Analysis (2/22/21)

    Although many far-right European politicians have backed Modi, Kashmiri human rights issues have come to the EU’s attention, and Indian politicians are pushing for Kashmiri statehood now following peaceful DDC polls: Now is the Time to Restore Statehood in Jammu and Kashmir, Says Apni Party’s Altaf Bukhari (The Economic Times) What Is the EU’s Stand…

  • News and Analysis (2/18/21)

    In a “warm conversation” with Netanyahu, Biden supports Trump’s normalization policies and commends Netanyahu’s Coronavirus policies … Biden and Netanyahu Talk Iran, U.S.-Israel Alliance (Politico) … and Biden is accused of downplaying human rights violations at Xinjiang’s camps for saying, after BBC reports highlighting systematic rape and torture, “Culturally, there are different norms that each…

  • News and Analysis (2/16/21)

    Although imprisoned since 2002 by Israel, Senior Fatah leader Marwan Barghouti will be running for PA president and many predict him will be the preferred candidate over incumbent Abbas: Barghouti to Stand for Election from Israeli Prison Cell (Middle East Monitor) “Citing Israeli sources, AFP reported that allowing the transfer from the West Bank to…

  • News and Analysis (2/13/21)

    Private and public institutions are working together to silence any valid criticisms of the state of Israel, and by not protecting freedom of speech, individuals are being affected significantly: How the Media Cracks Down on Critics of Israel (Current Affairs) Facebook Might Censor Criticism of Zionists. That’s Dangerous (The Guardian) ‘Guardian’ Columnist Says He Got…

  • News and Analysis (2/11/21)

    Except for the BJP, every political party in Kerala is fighting for the release of an Indian-Muslim journalist who was wrongfully arrested in Uttar Pradesh when reporting a case of murder and rape: Kerala Muslim Youth League President Urges People to Raise Voice for Siddique Kappan’s Release (The Telegraph) Despite election campaign comments regarding Iran…

  • News and Analysis (2/9/21)

    The police defend the arrest of an Indian-Muslim comedian for comments he did not make and a high court judge denies him and the event organizers and a personal friend bail demonstrating the BJP threat to freedom of speech: As Munawar Faruqui Case Shows, Questioning BJP’s Hindutva Project While Muslim Can Land You in Jail…

  • News and Analysis (2/7/21)

    Senate overwhelmingly approves making Trump’s relocation of embassy to Jerusalem permanent: US Senate Approves Amendment to Keep Embassy in Jerusalem (Jerusalem Post) BJP pushes a narrative that large Muslim families is an “organized conspiracy” to alter India’s demography, but a popular scholarly book concludes that Hindus will always be the majority: SY Quraishi Debunks the…

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