Month: May 2022

  • News and Analysis 5/29/22

    Pew “found that more than half of America’s youngest adults view Israelis and Palestinians favorably — a departure from the views of older generations”: Who’s Winning the War for American Public Opinion: Israelis or Palestinians? (Deseret News) The chair of the Anti-racism Coalition of Newfoundland and Labrador questions whether the police response to incident is…

  • News and Analysis 5/26/22

    Iran calls the Greek seizure of the ship after it called for help due to bad weather and technical problems “international piracy” which they claim cones “under pressure from the United States”: Iran Summons Greek Diplomat over Seizing of Ship’s Cargo (AP / Al-Arabiya) While still professing its commitment to justice for Palestinians, the student…

  • What Can the U.S. Do to Restore Democracy in Tunisia?

    [On May 23, 2022, Radwan Masmoudi moderated a Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy panel discussion of what the United States can do to restore democracy in Tunisia. This is my summary of highlights of the program, not a transcript. Use of the first person is for convenience only. For a video of…

  • News and Analysis 5/22/22

    “Shareholders of both firms will soon vote on resolutions that would mandate reconsideration of a project they fear has grave human rights consequences”: Google and Amazon Face Shareholder Revolt over Israeli Defense Work (Intercept) Noting that setting the blood money for a female victim at half that of a male is not found in the…

  • News and Analysis 5/21/22

    “I cannot continue to support the existence of a coalition that disgracefully harasses the society I came from”: Israeli Lawmaker Resigns over ‘Harassment’ of Palestinians, Plunging Government into Parliamentary Minority (CNN) “The accused Dinesh Kushwah … is said to be the husband of a local BJP leader”: Man in MP Dies After Beaten over Suspicion…

  • News and Analysis 5/19/22

    “[T]he Jerusalemite … arrested at his home in the Shuafat area in the early hours of Monday morning … [has] been held in solitary confinement since his arrest”: Abu Akleh Pallbearer Arrested Days After Israelis Attack Funeral (Aljazeera) What American White supremacists call the “great replacement” theory, Israeli Jewish supremacists call “demographic time bombs” ……

  • News and Analysis 5/16/22

    “The relative horror expressed over the killing of Shireen Abu Akleh is justified and necessary. It is also belated and self-righteous. Now you’re appalled?” — Gidon Levy: Is Blood of Iconic Journalist Redder than Blood of Anonymous Palestinians? (Haaretz) Old habits are hard to break. Once again Germany bans Jews (this time Jüdische Stimme, a…

  • News and Analysis 5/13/22

    “An Al Jazeera livestream captured the moment mourners nearly dropped Abu Akleh’s coffin as Israeli forces beat them”: Shireen Abu Akleh: Israeli Forces Assault Mourners Carrying Casket Ahead of Burial (Middle East Eye) ICE “has gone well beyond its immigration enforcement mandate, instead evolving into something of a broader domestic surveillance agency”: Immigration Officials Created…

  • News and Analysis 5/11/22

    Israeli tactics for silencing critical information include murdering journalists: Palestine: Al Jazeera Journalist Shot Dead in Occupied West Bank (International Federation of Journalists) Israel’s War on the Media (You Tube) Israel’s Targeting of Palestinian Journalists (You Tube) Israel/OPT: Increase in Unlawful Killings and Other Crimes Highlights Urgent Need to End Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians (Amnesty…

  • News and Analysis 5/10/22

    Hindu nationalist Ram Madhav should take the medicine he prescribes: Can Indonesia’s Humanitarian Islam Inspire a Hindu Nationalist Equivalent? (Modern Diplomacy) Israel’s violent rampage continues: Two Palestinians Shot Dead by Israelis in Occupied West Bank (LA Times) Palestinians Wounded by IDF Rubber-coated Bullets After Reporting Settler Attack (Haaretz) Police Round Up Hundreds of Palestinians in…

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