Month: August 2022

  • News and Analysis 8/10/22

    “As families aired laundry on blasted walls and sifted through the rubble to salvage whatever documents and furniture they could find, others laid their loved ones to rest”: Palestinians in Gaza Grieve, Assess Damage Following Ceasefire (Reuters) “Upon arrest, Ghafoor was informed that he had already been tried, convicted, and sentenced … [with] neither a…

  • News and Analysis 8/7/22

    “There can be no justification for any attacks against civilians” — Tor Wennesland, UN envoy for the Middle East Peace Process … Israel-Gaza: How the World Reacted to the Onslaught (Middle East Eye) … but, Israel is convinced that the best way to prevent people from attacking you is to wage war upon them: Israel…

  • News and Analysis 8/5/22

    “Despite being citizens of the state of Israel, Palestinians required permits to leave their areas of residence, including to access medical care and jobs”: Israel’s Visa Refusal to Palestinian Harvard Fellow Sparks Calls for Boycott of Apartheid State (Informed Comment) The 1906 revolution married “traditional Islamic principles with modern concepts such as individual rights and…

  • News and Analysis 8/3/22

    The U.S. and Afghanistan trade accusations as to which has violated the Doha Accords after Biden administration takes out the “figurehead leader … of a decimated organization” … U.S. Kills al-Qaeda Leader Ayman al-Zawahiri in Drone Strike in Kabul (Washington Post) … creating the possibility that a more effective successor “could do much more damage,…

  • News and Analysis 8/1/22

    In his power grab, Tunisia’s strong man has cut off most means of peaceful dissent: ‘There Is No Other Way’: Tunisian Judges on Hunger Strike for Democracy (Washington Post) Israeli police arrested a Palestinian construction worker after Facebook mistakenly translated his greeting “Good morning” in Arabic as “attack them” in Hebrew: Big Tech Builds AI…

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