Month: February 2023

  • News and Analysis 2/28/23

    Vengeance is ours sayeth the settlers … Israeli Settlers Rampage Through Palestinian Towns in Revenge for Shooting (Washington Post) Hawara West Bank: ‘What Happened Was Horrific and Barbaric’ (BBC) Jewish Settler Leader Says ‘Huwwara Should Be Wiped out Today’ (Palestine Chronicle) Israel-Palestine: UN Envoy Gravely Concerned over Killings and Retaliatory Attacks (UN) As Israel Reels…

  • News and Analysis 2/26/23

    Following the precedent of fellow populists in the white West, Kais Saied comes down hard on blacks and immigrants: Amid Crackdown on Dissent, Tunisian Leader Turns on Migrants (Washington Post) Racist Rhetoric by Tunisian President Sparks Fear Among Migrants and Black Tunisians (Washington Post) Unless the third party candidate wins, the tradition that the presidency…

  • News and Analysis 2/24/23

    Settlers celebrate the carnage, but the Nablus massacre has outraged people in Palestine and the Arab nations … Israeli Settlers Seen Celebrating and Handing Out Sweets After Deadly Nablus Raid (Middle east Eye) Nablus Residents Describe ‘Massacre’ After 11 Dead in Four-hour Israeli Raid (The National) General Strike Launched in Occupied West Bank, East Jerusalem…

  • News and Analysis 2/22/23

    “Politicians in Syria, Turkey, and the United States are getting in the way of relief efforts”: In Syria and Turkey, Helping Earthquake Victims Is a Crime (Reason) “The Supreme Court can ignore our First Amendment rights, but we will continue to vigorously exercise them” — Arkansas Times publisher Alan Leveritt: Supreme Court Won’t Hear Challenge…

  • News and Analysis 2/20/23

    As Israel begins its war on Jerusalem, Palestinians respond with a general strike … Ben Gvir’s War on Jerusalem Has Begun (Mondoweiss) Israeli Settlers Break into Jerusalem’s Aqsa Mosque (Wafa) Jerusalem: Palestinians Declare Civil Disobedience over Israeli Crackdown (Middle East Eye) … while Palestinians demand accountability for noncombatants killed in so-called “anti-terror operations”: I Want…

  • News and Analysis 2/17/23

    “This law represents a very dangerous escalation. It only deepens the apartheid system that is in place and creates separate laws for Palestinians and Jews”: Israel Passes Law Allowing Deportation of Palestinian Prisoners (Aljazeera) “It’s clear I hit a raw nerve” — James Cavallaro,”candidate for an Organization of American States position [who] had said top…

  • news and Analysis 2/15/23

    Modi government moves fast to crush BBC after documentary exposes his plot to give Hindutva three days to terrorize Muslims and the subsequent murder and prosecution of witnesses to cover up: Censorship, Arrests, Power Cuts. India Scrambles to Block BBC Documentary (Washington Post) India’s BBC Raid Is Just Its Latest Attack on Press (Washington Post)…

  • News and Analysis 2/13/23

    “The ethnic minorities and refugees leading the community response in Turkey already knew not to rely on the government” … Turkey’s Earthquake Response Is as Political as the Conditions that Increased the Devastation (New Yorker) … which “has provided periodic ‘construction amnesties’ – effectively legal exemptions for the payment of a fee, for structures built…

  • News and Analysis 2/11/23

    The new Israeli government’s “founding documents state unequivocally that the Jewish people have an ‘exclusive and indisputable right to all parts of the Land of Israel’”: Israel is Annexing the West Bank. Don’t be Misled by Its Gaslighting (Just Security) The government land seizure “has left people in the Union Territory worried as they fear…

  • News and Analysis 2/9/23

    The “leader of Turkey’s main opposition party … accused the government of failing to cooperate with local authorities and weakening non-governmental organisations that could help”: Turkey and Syria Earthquake Death Toll Passes 15,000 as Erdo?an Defends Response (The Guardian) A report on digital rights by Israel, the PA, and Hamas in Gaza and tech companies…

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