Month: November 2010

  • News and Analysis (11/30/10)

    5,000 “young Yemenis have so far volunteered to contribute to the country’s media campaign, two hundred of which will work with [Amr] Khaled and his U.K.-based organization to … confront extremism”: Yemen: Islam’s Billy Graham Takes On Al-Qaida (Tuscon Sentinel) “We have a choice. Peace, nonintervention, and low government expenditures? Or perpetual war and out-of-control…

  • Sometimes a Sting Operation Isn’t Entrapment

    In the past government sting operations have too often seemed like cases of entrapment, in which hapless dupes are tricked into illegal acts that they would never take of their own volition. In the recent case of the Somali youth Mohamed Mohamud accused of trying to blow up a Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Portland,…

  • News and Analysis (11/29/10)

    “The surgeon in the holy city of Medina knows her father, also her male guardian, is violating Islamic law by forcibly keeping her single”: Saudi Women Sue Male Guardians Who Stop Marriage (AP / Washington Post) Wikileaks brings to light some pretty icky stuff, reminding us “that sunshine is the best disinfectant” … Wikileaks Embassy Cables:…

  • News and Analysis (11/24/10)

    Egypt’s denial of a license to for Coptic Christian house of worship leads to around 93 arrested, thirty injured, and hundreds protesting in the streets: Cairo Police Clash With Christian Rioters, 1 Dead (Washington Post) A sign that “fissures that developed between the Ahmadinejad government and conservatives in Parliament during last year’s wave of protests…

  • News and Analysis (11/23/10)

    Potentially assisted by the Pakistani regime, who the U.S. gives billions in aid every year, a representative of the Taliban turns out to be pulling our leg, after we butter him up with “a lot of money”: Taliban Leader In Secret Talks Was An Impostor (NY Times) “Ironically, this toxic cocktail of enmity serves the ultra-Jewish nationalists. So…

  • News and Analysis (11/22/10)

    Both Jewish and Catholic law can, and are, brought to secular courts on civil cases concerning marriage, divorce and contract law, and herein lies the objection to the OK law on the basis of religious discrimination: Sharia Law Dispute Goes To Court (WT) With perpetrators sentenced to only “15 and six years each in prison for…

  • News and Analysis (11/19/10)

    The commemoration of  Hajjar (Haggar)’s trials in the hajj teaches an American feminist that “God not only hears my prayers and answers them, but that He makes no distinction between the prayers of men and women”: A Modern Muslim: Hajjar and Maryam (Washington Post) Egypt takes billions in foreign aid from the U.S., but rejects…

  • News and Analysis (11/18/10)

    The verdict demonstrates the necessity of civilian trials to insure justice in the face of lynch mobs draw the opposite conclusion “that terrorism suspects …  get too many rights and protections in civilian court.”: U.S. Civilian Court Acquits Ex-Guantanamo Detainee Of All Major Terrorism Charges (LA Times) “The fight against al Qaeda is in Pakistan,…

  • News and Analysis (11/17/10)

    Blogger Kareem Amer jailed for calling Mubarak a “symbol of tyranny” and Prophet Muhammad (saws) “a spiller of blood” is freed ten days after the end of his sentence: Egypt Frees Blogger Convicted Of Insulting Islam (AP) “… the ACLU argues that the Obama administration is violating the constitutional” prohibitions of unreasonable seizures deprivation of citizens’ …

  • News and Analysis (11/16/10)

    Arrest of human right attorneys spreads; Iran should release Nasrin Sotoudeh (as well as Houtan Kian), and the U.S. should release Lynn Stewart: Iranian Human Rights Lawyer Is Latest in String of Arrests (Washington Post) On “Monday,  Mullah Mohammad Omar reiterated that negotiations would not be possible until all foreign troops — now at about 150,000…

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