Month: June 2011

  • News and Analysis (6/30/11)

    “Clinton, speaking during a visit to Budapest, says it is in Washington’s interests to deal with Egyptian parties committed to non-violent political participation” and Reuters “quotes a Brotherhood spokesman as saying it would welcome contacts with the United States”: Clinton Says US to Renew Contact With Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood (VoA) No other designated terrorist organization…

  • News and Analysis (6/29/11)

    Like 275,000 other nonprofits that were careless about timely filing of 990 forms, CAIR has lost its tax exemption, but as a Muslim organization in a heated propaganda battle with Islamophobic website WorldNetDaily, more is at stake than the detectability of donations: Muslim Charity’s Work, Reputation at Stake over IRS Filings (Tennessean) The “latest —…

  • News and Analysis (6/28/11)

    So far the Israeli blockade is succeeding in keeping “Arabic translations of a book about Martin Luther King Jr.” out of the hands of Palestinians … Intense Israeli Lobbying Stalls Gaza Flotilla (Christian Science Monitor) … but Netanyahu has rescinded a threat to journalists covering the new flotilla, offering to “embed” them into the Israeli…

  • News and Analysis (6/24/11)

    “After first rejecting a measure in support of US military participation in the NATO-led operation, the House went on to defeat a cutoff of funding for US involvement in the Libya war that Republican leaders had considered a sure thing”: House Sends a Muddled Message on Libya: No Support, but Funding Untouched (Christian Science Monitor)…

  • News and Analysis (6/23/11)

    Unconditional aid is reserved for Israel: Clinton: U.S. Won’t Keep Up Aid to Pakistan Without Change (Reuters) Plaintiffs argue “that California law bars local governments from restricting medical procedures;” it would “infringe upon my rights as a Muslim to practice here,” and “also take away my rights as a parent to choose what’s a good…

  • News and Analysis (6/22/11)

    As Amr Moussa continues to have second thoughts over the Arab League’s call for the Libyan intervention, the rebels turn on the reporters they had been cultivating: Libyan Rebels in Misrata Take Tough Line on Foreign Media (Guardian) With Ahmadinejad under threat of impeachment and the U.S. hikers facing trial on July 31, a collaborator…

  • News and Analysis (6/16/11)

    The new head of al-Qaeda lacks bin Laden’s charisma, but surpasses his predecessor in the scope of his violent vision, having been the one to convince bin Laden to adopt suicide bombings and to expand their targets to include both the U.S. and Muslims who disagreed with them (whom they branded as apostates) among their…

  • News and Analysis (6/15/11)

    Furious over the U.S. violation of Pakistani sovereignty in the bin Ladin assassination the Pakistani “military rank and file … wants its leaders to break with the U.S.”: Pakistan Arrests CIA Informants in Osama bin Laden Raid: Officials (abc News) Eleven more parties have joined the list of the liberal Wafd and the Muslim Brotherhood’s…

  • News and Analysis (6/14/11)

    Those who have been subpoenaed, most of them non-Muslim, include clerical workers, educators and in one case a stay-at-home dad…. All 23 of the activists invoked their right not to testify before a grand jury”: Activists Cry Foul over FBI Probe (Washington Post) Lawyer says investigators demonstrated gross incompetence by failing to follow guidelines and…

  • News and Analysis (6/13/11)

    With his stunning electoral success, Erdogan has come under attack from rival parties, but his pro-market  policies have “brought Turkey through the global financial crisis unscathed” with “one of the world’s top growth rates” and historically low inflation and interest rates … Recep Tayyip Erdogan: 5 Ways He Has Shaped Turkey (Christian Science Monitor) ……

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