Month: January 2012

  • News and Analysis (1/30/12)

    A fiery advocate of civil disobedience flees Syria as the evidence that a civil war is taking place becomes increasingly hard to ignore and a question arises as to whether the Free Syrain Army might become a tool for Western interests: Dissident Says Blind Cleric, Prominent Critic of Syria’s President, Flees to Jordan (Washington Post…

  • News and Analysis (1/29/12)

    Elections for the upper house of parliament begin as the Muslim Brotherhood insists its cause is one with that of the young revolutionaries, but is withdrawing from Tahrir Square after they were pelted with plastic bottles both for endorsing the military’s timetables and for trying to dominate the demonstration with a sound system and a…

  • News and Analysis (1/26/12)

    The commissioner and his deputy admitted to ” involvement in the film [only] after producer Raphael Shore emailed The Times and provided a date and time of the interview” and “the department was found to be fibbing about how many times the film had been screened“: Ray Kelly Admits Involvement With ‘The Third Jihad,’ Anti-Muslim…

  • Q&A: The Truth About Zabiha (“Halal”) Meat

    Q: I received an email of concern from a Christian reverend who wants to get some correct information that he can print in his newsletter regarding what is halal in Islam. This is in response to what he sees as anti-Islam bigotry that has been circulating among some people on the subject of halal and…

  • News and Analysis (1/25/12)

    Nearly 1,500 New York Police department officers are trained  to think that American Muslims have plans to infiltrate and dominate America: In Police Training, a Dark Film on U.S. Muslims (New York Times) Holding that “‘the market economy and free trade … is part and parcel of Islam as a complete way of life,’ and “reminding…

  • News and Analysis (1/22/12)

    “[A]pproval would have been required under the presidential order that Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said authorized the unusual assignment”: Top CIA Lawyer Never Approved NYPD Collaboration that Built Widespread Muslim Spying Programs (Washington Post) Crisis of dissatisfaction with the NTC hits Benghazi: Protesters Attack NTC’s Benghazi Headquarters (AlJazeera) Libya Suspends Transitional Government Members (AP /…

  • News and Analysis (1/20/12)

    Amid protests over the five-year old murder of a journalist, a breaking story of extrajudicial killings of Kurds from the 1990s: Turkey: Calls for Justice Grow as Tens of Thousands March on Anniversary of Journalist’s Death (AP / Washington Post with Foreign Policy) Turkey Investigating Extrajudicial Killings (AP / abc News) “The United States should…

  • News and Analysis (1/18/12)

    Gaming simulations demonstrate that an Iranian bomb would not mean war with Israel, but might “set off a global arms race” and “deter Israel from striking at Hamas and Hezbollah” … Could Israel Live with a Nuclear Iran? A Gaming Exercise Suggests Yes (Christian Science Monitor) … and Iran has announced that rather than intimidate…

  • News and Analysis (1/16/12)

    “[Bush] went absolutely ballistic….. There’s no question that the U.S. has cooperated with Israel in intelligence-gathering operations against the Iranians, but this was different. No matter what anyone thinks, we’re not in the business of assassinating Iranian officials or killing Iranian civilians” — unnamed US intelligence officer: ‘Israeli Mossad Agents Posed as CIA Spies to…

  • News and Analysis (1/12/12)

    As “much about spreading terror as they are about stopping the nuclear program;” the “messages in these campaigns” are “to terrorize those who are working in” and to target “young scientists thinking of joining” Iranian nuclear development, and to threaten “the regime and population” that “We can get you anywhere, any time” … Was Israel…

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