Month: May 2013

  • News and Analysis (5/31/13)

    A bullet in the back of the head? A Samurai sword?  An FBI agent left alone with a killer? Shocking inconsistencies in the FBI’s story as to how and why they killed Ibragim Todashev have the man’s father accusing them of an extra-judicial execution and the Washington Post demanding the straight story: Mother Says Boston Suspect…

  • News and Analysis (5/28/13)

    It’s as if Tunisia’s new Islamist rulers did not remember that “Tunisia’s 2011 uprising against the dictatorship was sparked by the self-immolation of a frustrated street vendor” … 70-Year-Old Tunisian Dies During Vendor Crackdown (AP / abc News) … and Morocco too is accused of becoming more like pre-revolutionary Tunisia after adopting a more democratic…

  • News and Analysis (5/26/13)

    “[S]ick of all the report writing on capacity building,” the lawyer best known for obtaining the release of a rape victim jailed for adultery,  is using “Sharia law, Afghan law, and international conventions … to act directly within the system” and “create test cases of how things can be done”to establish the rule of law: What’s an American…

  • News and Analysis (5/24/13)

    As British Muslims emphatically condemn the beheading of an army drummer, the question arises as to whether the  Christian converts suspected of the deed got their understanding of Islam from al-Muhajiroun founder Omar Bakri Muhammad or from the English Defense League’s Tommy Robinson: Woolwich Murder: Welby Praises Response of British Muslim Bodies (Guardian) Attack Casts Spotlight on…

  • News and Analysis (5/22/13)

    The FBI says the man who had implicated himself and the slain Boston bombing suspect in a triple murder from two years ago suddenly initiated a violent confrontation that resulted in his death, but a friend also interrogated by the agency says the deceased man “felt” the FBI would shoot him: Man Tied to Boston…

  • News and Analysis (5/20/13)

    Does the emulation of the incident that sparked the Tunisian revolution mark the arrival of the Arab spring in Saudi Arabia? … Saudi Vegetable Seller Dies from Self-Immolation (AP / abc News) … while in a presumably unrelated story: Saudi Woman Scales Everest for First Time (Christian Science Monitor) “Lebanese Hezbollah militants attacked a Syrian rebel-held town alongside Syrian…

  • News and Analysis (5/16/13)

    An anonymous law enforcement source says “writing on the inside of the boat dovetails with what Dzhokhar, 19, told investigators questioning him in a Boston hospital room shortly after his capture”: Suspect: Boston Bombing Was Payback for Hits on Muslims (CNN) “Muslims have rubbished claims by a local Labour politician that they are offended by England’s St…

  • News and Analysis (5/14/13)

    The “”massive and unprecedented intrusion” into journalists’ confidential sources is especially disgraceful as it may be related to a story regarding a Yemeni CIA operation to foil an al-Qaeda attack  of which the agency “had informed the public that there was nothing to suggest any such attack had been planned”: Associated Press Condemns US Telephone Record…

  • News and Analysis (5/12/13)

    Why do both sides in the political debate continue to disingenuously call the Benghazi CIA base a “consulate” or even an “embassy” when it was nothing of the sort? An Alternative Explanation for the Benghazi Talking Points: Bureaucratic Knife Fight (Washington Post) What then? Shall Google also stop calling the apartheid state “Israel” since “since…

  • News and Analysis (5/10/13)

    A “question should be put to the war hawks: If Assad’s use of sarin should call forth U.S. air strikes, ought not the use of sarin by the rebels, if confirmed, cause this country to wash its hands of those war criminals?” Who Are the War Criminals in Syria? (World News Daily) “The survey also…

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