Month: May 2016

  • News an Analysis (5/28/16)

    Government violations include “interfering with [Anwar’s] ability to challenge the improper conduct of the judiciary, limiting the time available to prepare a defense, withholding key prosecution evidence, and illicitly manipulating key alibi witnesses for the defense”: White Paper on the Case of Anwar Ibrahim Citizen of Malaysia v. Government of Malaysia (Perseus Strategies) Islam is adaptable and fluid in a sense…

  • News and Analysis (5/23/16)

    “The biggest challenge for the TDC [Truth and Dignity Commission] is to face the deep state resisting against the change and against all kinds of reform because they are facing an accountability process and they do not want to be accountable of all violations they did”: Tunisians Seek Justice for Past Wrongs (BBC) “We want…

  • No State Institution (Including the Citadel) Has the Right to Deny the Religious Freedom of an American

    The Citadel is The Military College of South Carolina, a state institution. The reaction to the school’s decision to refuse to allow a Muslim student to cover her hair with a headscarf has unveiled a woeful ignorance of the nature of America’s strong Constitutional commitment to freedom of religion. I was especially disturbed by Asra Nomani’s…

  • News and Analysis (5/19/16)

    The good news of Muslims, Christians and Jews defending one another: The World’s Biggest Muslim Organization Wants to Protect Christians (Christianity Today) German Muslim Mosque Controversy: Christian Leaders Fight For Right To Build Islamic Worship Center (IB Times) AJC Muslim Push Comes amid Rancor in U.S. (Jewish Week) Muslim Kids Read Heartbreaking Letters From WWII…

  • News and Analysis (5/16/16)

    A newspaper calls allegations that an official government ministry letter saying that none of the 711 Muslim yoga instructors who applied were granted permission to attend world yoga day is a fraud are “clear attempts to stifle the freedom of the press” … India Journalist Arrested over Muslim Yoga Ban Report (BBC) … while in Egypt…

  • News and Analysis (5/13/16)

    “Who was in charge when torture occurred at the Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad: the private contractor interrogators, or the US military that hired them?” Torture at Abu Ghraib: Who Will Bear Responsibility? (Christian Science Monitor) The judge wants clarity as to whether “building, health and safety codes as well as labor and wage laws” are…

  • News and Analysis (5/11/16)

    Only the mildest form of female circumcision is “medically, legally and religiously sanctioned … [and] Fakhruddin in his statement said [even that] should only be allowed after a woman attains legal adulthood, after which they are free to make that choice”: Women Welcome Syedna Rival’s Stand on Circumcision (Times of India) The planning board determined…

  • News and Analysis (5/8/16)

    Amid wide condemnation of “Conservative Party tactics in the race, … Defence Secretary Michael Fallon refused to apologise” saying “I think it is right that candidates for some of the most important offices in Britain do get scrutinised about their past associations” … Conservatives Unapologetic over Tactics as Khan Becomes London’s First Muslim Mayor (Reuters)…

  • News and Analysis (5/5/16)

    Der Staat über Alles? “Religion in Germany never stands above the state” – Volker Kauder on “German Values”: ‘Muslims – but Not Islam – Part of Germany,’ Says Senior Conservative Lawmaker Kauder (Deutsche Welle) ‘This … [applied] when there was no security for women and when women were at risk of being abducted….  I believe they should withdraw…

  • News and Analysis (5/3/16)

    An interfaith struggle for liberty takes on those who “suggest that Muslim immigration should be halted and First Amendment protections regarding religious freedom removed when it comes to Islam”: Bishop Decries Anti-Muslim Messages (SC Times) “[S]triking the roof or upper story of a home or building with a mortar shell or missile prior to bombing…

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