Month: February 2018

  • News and Analysis (2/26/18)

    In the first authentic case of “creeping Shariah,” a Dublin imam wants to replace a Catholic inspired prohibition on abortion with an Islamically-inspired  law to balance “the rights of the unborn child . .. with the rights of the mother”: Leading Muslim Cleric Comes Out in Support of Repealing Ireland’s Abortion Laws (Irish Post) “There is,…

  • News and Analysis (2/23/18)

    How is it possible for a Metro Transit Police officer who “prided himself in never having to use force in all 13 years.  Not so much as even having to pull out his pepper spray” to be convicted of terrorism? Read and weep: Nicholas Young Sentencing (National Coalition to Protect Civil Freedoms) “The Arabs were regarded…

  • News and Analysis (2/20/18)

    “Fawzi Khimiri … has been waiting for over three years for the government to approve his permit to open a newspaper and telephone card kiosk.” So why don/t Tunisians understand hat the lack freedom is behind the lack of jobs? In Tunis Suburb, a Revolutionary Demand: Jobs, Not Freedoms (Christian Science Monitor) A fellow Christian…

  • News and Analysis (2/16/18)

    “Contempt for and irrational fear of a religious group cannot be squared, Chief Judge Roger Gregory wrote, with the First Amendment’s bar on religious discrimination”: Another Appeals Court Blocks Travel Ban 3.0 (Economist) “Hyatt’s mission statement proudly and boldly states: ‘We embrace all … perspectives … and ways of thinking’ … [yet they] did not respond…

  • News and Analysis (2/14/18)

    “While I think it’s completely unfair that Katebi has to laugh off an artillery volley of micro-aggression and blatant racism, her poise, power, and brilliance was absolutely breathtaking”: Hoda Katebi: What Speaking the Truth in Love Looks Like (Patheos) To the far left Macron’s plan to “influence the organisation of Islamic institutions, … meddle in…

  • Islamic Education in the United States

    [This is a summary of a panel discussion held at the Cato Institute on February 1, 2018 featuring Shafiq Siddiqui (Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action) and Sabith Khan, California Lutheran University discussing their newly published book on their research on Islamic schools in the U.S. The discussion was moderated by Neal McClusky.] Shafiq…

  • News and Analysis (2/11/18)

    Is Israel’s increased violence aimed at provoking a regional war that could form a pretext for U.N. intervention to demand Hezbollah abandon its missiles? Israeli Air Strikes Against Syria ‘Biggest Since 1982’ (BBC) Israeli Jet Shot Down After Bombing Iranian Site in Syria (Reuters) “With Islamophobia at historic levels, a Muslim social services provider finds…

  • News and Analysis (2/8/18)

    Among the keywords Boston police “tracked using Geofeedia … [were] innocuous Arabic words routinely used to discuss religion or community, including ‘ummah’ (which means ‘community’ in Arabic)”: Social Media Monitoring in Boston: Free Speech in the Crosshairs (Privacy SOS) “[T]he data that underlies it has been connected to a set of interpretations and conclusions . . .…

  • New and Analysis (2/5/18)

    Before the Israeli High Court ruling two decades ago prohibiting its free use of torture, “physical abuse of Palestinians had been routine and resulted in several deaths in custody.” Since then, Shin Bet has carefully hidden it: Israel’s Shin Bet to Face First-ever Torture Probe (Jonathan Cook) “[A]s a documentary filmmaker, I felt a responsibility…

  • News and Analysis (2/2/18)

    Both Democrats and Republicans are trying to shut Muslims out: Democrats Anonymously Target Muslim Candidate, Questioning His Eligibility to Run for Michigan Governor (The Intercept) Muslim Voters Say They Want to Participate, Not ‘Infiltrate’ (MPR News) The man’s conviction for “a murderous terrorist attack on worshippers leaving a mosque” has triggered “a complete review of the…

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