Month: October 2018

  • News and Analysis (10/30/18)

    American Muslims are united in condemning the terrorist murder of Jews in a Pittsburgh synagogue and in offering support … Pittsburgh Muslim Community Offers Protection for Jewish Services After Mass Shooting (The Hill) Within Hours, Muslim Groups Raise Thousands for Pittsburgh Synagogue Victims (Haaretz) ‘We’ll Be There’: Muslim Community Raises $70,000 for Pittsburgh Synagogue Attack…

  • News and Analysis (10/27/18)

    “Mueller’s investigators examined a series of [pre-inauguration] meetings between an Israeli social media strategist, the general blamed for Jamal Khashoggi’s murder, and Trump adviser Michael Flynn … [which smack] of covert action planning, which is … uniquely the province of the sitting president”: Saudi Spy Met With Team Trump About Taking Down Iran (Daily Beast)…

  • News and Analysis (10/24/18)

    “To select just a certain period that could be one or two centuries out of 3,000 years and to call the site a Jewish site is really a joke” — Nazmi Jubeh, a historian at Bir Zeit University who “would like to see the site but it is off limits to Palestinian archaeologists”: New Israeli…

  • News and Analysis (10/22/18)

    “Khashoggi’s brave journalism was inspired in great part by Islam, and indicting it on account of the vile actions of the Saudi regime,” is unjust both “to the memory of a courageous journalist … and … to a global religion that stands apart from the vile actions of … any single state or government”: The…

  • News and Analysis (10/19/18)

    What is Saudi Arabia afraid of … The Geopolitics of the Khashoggi Murder ( … and what are so many “Washington think tankers and pundits, not to mention senior members of the Trump administration” afraid of? Why Won’t Trump Condemn the Saudis? (Hint: It’s Israel. Also, Iran) (The Intercept) Guess who else engages in targeted…

  • News and Analysis (10/17/18)

    To understand certain journalists and politicians, you must remember that “Israel is the prism through which they see the world. Anything that happens anywhere in the world, particularly in the Arab and Muslim world, they twist and turn to a narrative that best benefits their favourite garrison state”: An American and an Arab Journalist Walk…

  • News and Analysis (10/15/18)

    “Khashoggi told his friends he did not trust the offer or the official delivering it” when MBS’s “information czar,” dubbed “the Saudi Steve Bannon” tried to lure him back to Saudi with promises of a job and safe return: Khashoggi Mystery Fixes Spotlight on Saudi Official Described as Crown Prince’s Strategist, Enforcer (Washington Post) The…

  • News and Analysis (10/12/18)

    “The American Jewish Committee faults those who say Islam is not a religion”: Islam and Religious Freedom (NY Times) “The Prevention of Unconstitutional War With Iran Act of 2018 is sponsored by Sen. Tom Udall (D-NM), and Paul becomes the ninth senator — and the first Republican — to put his name on the bill”:…

  • News and Analysis (10/9/18)

    Increasingly, “nationalist rhetoric and accusations of terrorism to squelch anyone who might question the state” allows “the authorities to hold people for months without trial” and to impose heavy sentences on “conservatives and liberals alike”: Saudi Women Who Fought for the Right to Drive Are Disappearing and Going Into Exile (The Intercept) The CEO of…

  • News and Analysis (10/6/18)

    Foreign Relations Committee member Sen. Chris Murphy  (D-CT) characterized the event as “another reason why we should probably be rethinking the political and military blank check we’ve been giving the Saudis”: Key Senators Say Disappearance of Washington Post Columnist Should End U.S. “Blank Check” to Saudi Arabia (The Intercept) “The government had ordered last year…

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