Month: August 2019

  • News and Analysis (8/31/19)

    Contrary to popular (mis)perception American Muslims are well-integrated. A Rice University professor of Islamic history thinks Muslim Americans are “finding new ways of expressing their faith” without losing their religion: Generations of Pasadena Family Grapple with What It Means to Be Muslim American (Houston Chronicle) The 19 year-old woman, “currently housed in … a shelter…

  • News and Analysis (8/29/19)

    SIS invited a dangerous intervention of state authority into religious questions by asking the High Court to rule on the merit of a wrong-headed fatwa (nonbinding opinion) declaring “liberalism and pluralism” unIslamic: High Court Says Can’t Hear SIS Challenge Against ‘Deviant’ Fatwa, Directs Group to Shariah Courts (Malay Mail) A Dark Day for Malaysia —…

  • News and Analysis (8/26/19)

    Expansion of foreigner tribunals, plans for “huge new detention camps,” arrest of hundreds “on suspicion of being a foreign migrant — including a Muslim veteran of the Indian Army,” have driven dozens to suicide”: India Plans Big Detention Camps for Migrants. Muslims Are Afraid (NY Times) Iran said that “the owner and purchaser of this oil…

  • News and Analysis (8/24/19)

    “He was sentenced to “ten months in prison and a 2,000 shekel ($570 U.S.) fine” for Facebook “posts, calling for an end to the occupation and end to the suffering” which Israel considers “incitement” … Israel’s Online Occupation of Palestine (Progressive) … while Facebook and Twitter took paid ads intended “to convince Westerners that the…

  • News and Analysis (8/21/19)

    “Both in Egypt and Turkey, Islamic movements have struggled to survive in authoritarian regimes that exert strong control over religious practice”: How Two Islamic Groups Fell from Power to Persecution: Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood and Turkey’s Gulenists (The Conversation) “[T]he judges insist on building a case against Tariq Ramadan” despite the fact that the investigations commissioned…

  • News and Analysis (8/19/19)

    “Israel has expanded its scope of operations to attack targets in Iraq, whose coalition government is friendly to the United States. The predictable result: the Iraqi government is bailing on Trump’s policy”: How Secret Israeli Attacks in Iraq Are Driving Trump’s Anti-Iran Campaign (Independent Media Institute / Salon) “In 2012, Maruf suggested Muslims should not…

  • News and Analysis (8/16/19)

    Has Trump inadvertently bullied Israel into admitting that–for once–it fears the U.S. Congress? Israel’s Decision to Ban U.S. Congresswomen Is Self-Defeating (New Republic) Bernie Sanders To Israel: Ban Our Lawmakers? Then Don’t Take Our Money (Huffington Post) Editorial: The Omar and Tlaib Ban from Israel Is a Disgrace. True Democracies Aren’t Afraid of Critics (LA…

  • News and Analysis (8/14/19)

    “We had to stick our arms out through a small opening in the door. We soon realized that after our injections that we didn’t get our periods anymore”: Muslim Women ‘Sterilised’ in China Detention Camps, Say Former Detainees (Independent) “Many of the BJP’s aspirations and policy proposals for Kashmir are imitations of extant Israeli practices…

  • News and Analysis (8/11/19)

    The Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel, warned that “Jews are strictly prohibited from entering Temple Mount according to Jewish law,” but police precipitated clashes with a last minute policy reversal: Israel Allows Jews on Temple Mount After [sic!] Clashes with Muslim Worshipers (Haaretz) India has not only stripped Kashmir of its limited autonomy; in an unprecedented move it…

  • News and Analysis (8/8/19)

    “India … sent tens of thousands of troops to its northern state of Jammu and Kashmir[,] … cut phone and Internet service and put Kashmiri politicians under house arrest … [revoking part] … of the Indian Constitution”: Removal of Special Status Roils Muslim-Majority Kashmir (NPR) The “[b]lunder … described as insulting to both Muslims and…

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