Month: September 2021

  • News and Analysis 9/30/21

    “[S]everal shirtless settlers with scarves wrapped around their faces hurling stones at a cluster of homes and vehicles. Israeli troops stood among the settlers but did not appear to be taking any action to stop them”: Israeli Settlers Attack Palestinian Village, Wound Toddler (AP / Washington Post) False charges of antisemitism to suppress true statements…

  • News and Analysis 9/28/21

    Palestinian villagers demonstrating for the return of almost 1,000 acres of land expropriated for an illegal Israeli settlement say they will not be intimidated by teargas and rubber bullets: Palestinian Village Pledges to Struggle ‘Until Land Is Returned’ (Aljazeera) Assaults on “Muslim vendors and businesses” by “alleged members of Hindu right-wing groups, who feel emboldened…

  • News and Analysis 9/25/21

    Having spent over “$390,000 in legal fees defending its actions the county will now approve the cemetery and pay $500,000 to the “nonprofit organization providing low-cost burial and funeral services to Muslims in the region]”: Stafford Supervisors Vote to Settle Costly Muslim Cemetery Case ( The appeal raises an important question: Can war criminals be…

  • News and Analysis 9/22/21

    What does it mean to “illegally covert” someone to another religion? We may never know because, after denying  bail to ten persons arrested on the charge, UP’s Anti-Terrorism Squad refuses “to provide details about those converted”: ATS Arrests Cleric from Meerut over Conversions to Islam (Hindustan Times) It is a victory for transparency in a…

  • News and Analysis 9/20/21

    Despite the policy’s pathetic failure, one Israeli government after another believes that if you just kill enough Gazan civilians the armed resistance will go away: ‘Just Hit Gaza Harder’: No End in Sight for Israel’s Collective Punishment of Two Million Palestinian Civilians (Haaretz) “[T]he Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) disclosed … that 217 protesters were…

  • News and Analysis 9/18/21

    Americans and Taliban  apologize for their respective “mistakes,” but victims on both sides have no reason to accept their apologies until they bring the perpetrators of the criminal negligence to justice: Pentagon Reverses Itself, Calls Deadly Kabul Strike an Error (Washington Post) Afghan Survivors of Errant US Drone Strike Seek Probe (Washington Post) As an…

  • News and Analysis 9/16/21

    “With the rise in global solidarity with Palestinians since the May 2021 Unity Intifada, United States policymakers and activists are calling for conditioning and halting US military aid to Israel”: Restricting US Military Aid to Israel in the Age of Normalization (al-Shabaka) A man with a criminal record sent by the FBI to secretly record…

  • News and Analysis 9/14/21

    The legacy of the 9/11 attacks includes weapons and guard dogs at American airports, the “Muslim ban,” unending foreign wars, extrajudicial procedures (including imprisonment without due process), and the politicization  of “terrorism” cases: 9/11 Attacks: A Two-decade Assault on US Civil Liberties (Middle East Eye) “[S]ome of the people who have been ordered to leave…

  • News and Analysis 9/12/21

    Better late than never: Will the ADL’s apology for opposing Cordoba House (and vilifying it as “the ground zero mosque”) inspire others to reconsider their bigotry? The ‘Ground Zero Mosque,’ a Right-Wing Fever Dream that Never Was (Huffington Post) A “Saudi national named Omar al-Bayoumi who helped [two of the hijackers] find and lease an…

  • News and Analysis 9/10/21

    Twenty years after 9/11, Muslims and their friends are still reckoning with the aftermath: ‘Me And My Muslim Friends’ — 20 Years After 9/11 (WUNC) How 9/11 Changed Muslim, Immigrant Communities Forever (Daily Herald) ‘Being a Muslim Is Like Being Black Twice’: North Texan Faces Hate Towards His Race, Faith (KERA) ‘Things Are Going to…

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