Author: Kevin Duewel

  • News and Analysis (11/5/10)

    Woolas accused Liberal Democrat opponent Elwyn Watkins of receiving support from Muslim militants who advocate violence. British Judges Order Rerun of Parliamentary Vote (AP / Washington Post) “It is ironic that two important characteristics of being a Muslim, in fact the two most basic criteria (freedom and peace), are two of the most misrepresented and…

  • News and Analysis (11/4/10)

    “An Oklahoma Muslim filed a federal lawsuit on Thursday to block a state constitutional amendment … that would prohibit state courts from considering international law or Islamic law when deciding cases”: Lawsuit Filed in Okla. Against Islamic Law Ban (AP / Washington Post) “Al Qaeda has been able to say, ‘We’ve been telling you Yemen…

  • News and Analysis (11/3/10)

    As an Indonesian worries that the new political order in the U.S. means Obama can’t bring peace to Israel and Palestine, an Israeli worries that it means he won’t be able to attack Iran: Around the World, Concern over the Global Impact of U.S. Elections (AP/ Washington Post) The opening of Gaza’s borders has drastically decreased the…

  • News and Analysis (11/2/10)

    Does conservatism equal authenticity? An interesting Bloggingheads discussion on feminism in Islam: Values Added: Women And Islam (Bloggingheads) Scorning the fact the mosques have been exclusively Muslim places of worship for over a thousand years, Israel “seeks to consecrate its fait accompli of Palestinian land and history by laying false historical claims”: Editorial: Hijacking The…

  • News and Analysis (11/1/10)

    Both Pope Benedict XVI and Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki condemn the siege after the bloodbath meant to free 120 Christian hostages: Iraqi PM Says Church Attack Aimed At Re-Igniting Sectarian Fighting, Driving Out Christians (LA Times) “Turkey can be the West’s conduit to the Muslim world if Washington can bury its pique. The new Turkey…

  • News and Analysis (10/29/10)

    Farooque Ahmed said wanted to kill soldiers abroad, but the FBI persuaded him to target DC METRO stations instead … Suspect in D.C. Metro Bomb Plot Sought to Fight U.S. Troops Overseas, Records Say (Washington Post) … with unexpected consequences for the local Muslim community … Hip Muslim Moms Group Undone by D.C. Metro Bomb…

  • News and Analysis (10/28/10)

    Prince Alwaleed coming out against the construction of the mosque shows that the debate is not Muslim v. Christian America, but a conversation about the values of tolerance and liberty: Prince Alwaleed ‘Against’ Ground Zero Mosque (Arabian Business) “Mary Brereton, 55, a personal trainer who lives in nearby Alexandria, Va., said she was more worried…

  • News and Analysis (10/27/10)

    “I wasn’t sure just how serious Aziz was with his offer – although having spent time with the former head of the Unscom weapons inspections team, Scott Ritter, I was pretty sure that Aziz was telling the truth about WMD”: Tariq Aziz Is A Man Who Knows Too Much (Guardian) “While striking down the proof-of-citizenship…

  • News and Analysis (10/26/10)

    The unarmed Afghan mullah “seemed friendly. He didn’t seem to have any sort of animosity towards us,” but he was murdered and his body mutilated and evidence planted to make it appear that he was hostile: Stryker Unit Sought to Defend Killing at Heart of Afghan Murder Probe (Washington Post) Saddam’s Christian foreign minister refused…

  • News and Analysis (10/25/10)

    Just one day after the NY Times reported Karzai gets “slush funds” fro Iran, the Afghan president reveals that the USA and the UAE also contribute to “official presidential expenses”: Karzai Says His Office Gets Cash from Iran, US (AP / Yahoo) As Tony Blair says that the threat of militant Islam echoes that of fascism, his sister-in-law…

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