Author: Kevin Duewel

  • News and Analysis (10/22/10)

    As Israel Ramps Up Settlement Building, Rachel Corrie’s parent sue “the state of Israel, for a nominal one dollar, for allowing, and at some points encouraging, its soldiers to act with impunity”: Justice, Israeli Style (Al-Jazeera) “[T]he foundation of [journalists’] greater freedoms – the millionaire businessmen who opened up a generation of private media, full…

  • News and Analysis (10/21/10)

    “Federal Judge Milan Smith said it was ‘repugnant to the Constitution’ for the government to say it ‘has the power to arrest and detain or restrict American citizens for months on end … merely because the government wants to investigate them for possible wrongdoing’ “: Supreme Court To Decide Civil Liberties Suit Against John Ashcroft (LA…

  • News and Analysis (10/20/10)

    A report that the CIA overlooked a critical intelligence source from the Jordanian General Intelligence Department (GID) as an “internal power play within Jordanian intelligence” turns up the heat: CIA Ignored Jordanian Intelligence Before Suicide Bombing In Khost, Afghanistan (Christian Science Monitor) The resistance of the Taliban to the idea that it has began talks with the Karzai regime suggests that…

  • News and Analysis (10/19/10)

    Leadership Council member says Muslims are not doing enough in “educating the public and allaying their fears of Muslims in the mosque, what goes on in the mosque”: US Muslims Invite Dialogue to Counter Anti-Islamic Tensions (Voice of America) Ratings of the ruling Christian Democratic (CDU) and Free Democratic parties “have slumped so badly this…

  • News and Analysis (10/18/10)

    Exploitation of Islamophobic hysteria is not limited to media figures like Bill O’Reilly and paranoid bloggers who see terrorists hiding in soup cans; “socialist millionaire professor’’ Martin “Peretz has the social and economic guns to … to be defended by even those who acknowledge his bigotry, and finally be honored at the highest levels of…

  • News and Analysis (10/15/10)

    The State of Israel should take heed to the fact that its policies play a key role in bringing together Hezbollah and Ahmadinejad: Ahmadinejad Speaks In Rebuilt Lebanese Town Near Israel (LA Times) The Israeli army told the villagers to clear out of Al Arakib “temporarily in 1951,” but the state then declared the village…

  • News and Analysis (10/14/10)

    “If the allegations prove true, they could tarnish the push for detention reform by President Barack Obama. His administration has ushered in improvements in detainee conditions in Afghanistan”: Report Details Afghans’ Abuse Claims at Secret U.S. Jail (AP / News-Gazette) A move by the Egyptian regime to clamp down on text messages months before the…

  • News and Analysis (10/13/10)

    “The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled last summer that it was legal for federal authorities to secretly plant GPS devices on a car, even if it is parked in a private driveway”: Student Says He Found an FBI Tracking Device on His Car (NY Times) According to a “recent poll ……

  • News and Analysis (10/12/10)

    “NATO said initially [Linda] Norgrove was killed by her captors. On Monday, however, alliance officials said new information indicated Norgrove may have been killed by a U.S. grenade”: Full Probe Vowed in Captive Briton’s Death (AP / Washington Post) “The government is targeting an American citizen for death without any legal process whatsoever, while at…

  • News and Analysis (10/11/10)

    The banned party’s decision to run is called “a slap in the face” to their former ally Mohammed Baradei, who had called for a boycott: Egypt’s Opposition Muslim Brotherhood to Run in Parliamentary Election (VoA) “Many investigations in Europe have centered on mosques where extremist preachers incite hatred of non-Muslims, intelligence officials said”: Germany Steps…

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