Month: March 2019

  • News and Analysis (3/30/19)

    ” Israeli forces on Saturday used live rounds, rubber bullets and tear gas on the protesters, killing three 17-year-old boys, and wounding at least 207 people”: ‘Our People Will Not Back Down’: Gaza Marks Protests Anniversary (Al-Jazeera) “HijrahFest is like a pious version of the US’ SXSW where, instead of music, 12,000 festivalgoers network, explore…

  • Cracks in the Wall: Beyond Apartheid in Palestine/Israel.

    [This is a summary of author Ben White‘s remarks at an Arab Center of Washington DC round table about his book Cracks in the Wall: Beyond Apartheid in Palestine/Israel. held on March 29, 2019. It is not a transcript, but a summary of my impressions of his presentation and the discussion.] There is a de…

  • News and Analysis (3/28/19)

    It is disturbing that even in the 21st century some Virginians cant morally distinguish killing chickens for food from enslaving humans for the color of their skin: Squawking NIMBYs Fail to Doom Halal Chicken Slaughterhouse (Reason) “CelebrateMercy, has over the past two years given $115,000 to vandalized Jewish cemeteries and memorials …, and facilitated the…

  • News and Analysis (3/26/19)

    The history of Muslims in New Zealand, which goes back to 1769, includes helping “in the construction of Christchurch Cathedral by transporting stones from the Port Hills quarry” … From Mahometan to Kiwi Muslim: History of NZ’s Muslim Population (The Conversation) … yet the community has been spied on, and even a government official’s statement…

  • News and Analysis (3/23/19)

    Penalties for students “who criticize the Kingdom while abroad are daunting: passport freezes, death threats, intimidation, retraction of scholarships, and attempts to lure them back to the country”: Saudi Students in U.S. Say Their Government Watches Their Every Move (PBS) “62 Palestinians [were] also wounded by Israeli forces” and the UN Human Rights Council condemned…

  • News and Analysis (3/20/19)

    “When minority identity politics overreaches, it lamentably forces Christians to bake cakes for gays. When a majority united by ethno-nationalistic passions does so, mass violence … isn’t off-limits”: The Right’s Identity Politics Is More Dangerous Than the Left’s (Reason) Until Australian media and politicians realize their role in what led to the Christchurch tragedy, they…

  • News and Analysis (3/18/19)

    “New Zealand Muslim leaders on Monday conveyed messages of love, compassion and appreciation for the community support they had received after a lone gunman … [killed] 50 people and injur[ed] dozens more” … New Zealand Muslim Leaders Preach Love, Compassion After Mosque Attacks (Reuters) …. The first victim responded to the man pointing a rifle…

  • Statement on the Terror Attack in Christchurch

    The Minaret of Freedom Institute stands in solidarity with Muslims around the world, and all people of good will, in condemnation of the horrific murder of 49 innocent people in Christchurch, New Zealand. May God be with the victims and their families, and guide us all through this time of grief and sorrow. We deeply…

  • News and Analysis (3/14/19)

    “Pirro doesn’t know the constitution, doesn’t know American history, doesn’t know her own tradition of Catholicism, and doesn’t have the slightest idea about Islam”: America’s Long History of Hysteria about Women’s Veils: Jeanine Pirro and Ilhan Omar ( “This is 100 percent the same thing as making children take their test on Christmas or Easter.…

  • News and Analysis (3/11/19)

    “Lebanese-American businessman George Nader” reported “that [at the] meeting … the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia wanted to aid Trump in his bid for the White House”: Erik Prince Acknowledges Attending 2016 Trump Tower Meeting ‘to Talk About Iran Policy’ (The Hill) Palestinians like  the “15-year-old lay dying … after being shot in the…

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