Month: December 2021

  • News and Analysis 12/31/21

    Transporting “Noureddine Bhairi and his sister-in-law … to an unknown destination” is President Kais Saied’s latest move to drag Tunisia into tyranny: Tunisia’s Ennahdha Party Says Senior Official Detained (Aljazeera) At one point Facebook blamed the “widescale deletion of Palestinian posts” on “a technical bug that it sought to fix,” but, to the alarm of…

  • News and Analysis 12/29/21

    That Tunisian President Kais Saied’s plan for a return to democracy is disturbingly unpromising is no surprise, but the U.S.’s “tepid” response is simply disgraceful: The Tunisian President’s Election Plan Is Troubling. So Is the U.S. Response (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace) Not satisfied with their violence against Palestinians, settlers now expand their sights to…

  • News and Analysis 12/27/21

    “Israel refused to grant Archbishop Tutu and Professor Chinkin authorisation to enter Gaza, but they were eventually able to travel to the besieged territory via Egypt”: Anti-apartheid Icon Archbishop Tutu Dies. Here Is What He Said About Israel-Palestine (Middle East Eye)) The Sangh Parivar seeks to claim exclusively for Hindus a shrine belonging to both…

  • News and Analysis 12/24/21

    As targeting nuclear development has become more difficult, Israel has turned to “conducting massive cyberattacks on sensitive civilian targets like dams, gasoline stations and power plants to foment nationwide riots with the objective of toppling the regime or keeping the rulers busy with day-to-day, endless riots”: A Hacking Slugfest Between Iran and Its Foes Sparks…

  • News and Analysis 12/22/21

    At the “religious parliament,” the general secretary of the Hindu Mahasabha made a direct call for mass murder:  “Be ready to kill and be ready to go to jail. Even if 100 of us are ready to kill 20 lakhs of them (Muslims), then we will be victorious, … [defending] Hindutva from every demon who…

  • News and Analysis 12/19/21

    “[A]round 20,000 employees of Jammu and Kashmir’s Power Transmission and Distribution Corporations went on an indefinite strike on Saturday to protest … the merger with the central government entity”: Over 20,000 Staff in Jammu and Kashmir Protest Decision of Merging State Power Grids (Indian Express) “After three weeks of talks, discussions on the Iran nuclear…

  • News and Analysis 12/16/21

    “[A]lmost no Israeli officer or settler has been held accountable for” the 2,206 Palestinian children killed In the past twenty years: This Was the Deadliest Year for Palestinian Children Since 2014 (972 Magazine) “The Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act effectively bans all imports from China’s Xinjiang region, where the U.S. government has said that the…

  • News and Analysis 12/12/21

    Conservative Texans take note: You governor is making a lie out of America’s promise. “If I don’t want to buy anything at WalMart, who are you to tell me not to shop at WalMart? Why do I have to pledge allegiance to a foreign country?”: ‘I Thought I Was a Free Man’: the Engineer Fighting…

  • News and Analysis 12/6/21

    White House press secretary Jen Psaki announced that the Biden administration “will not send any diplomatic or official representation” to the Olympics due to China’s “ongoing genocide and crimes against humanity in Xinjiang and other human rights abuses”: Citing ‘Ongoing Genocide,’ Biden Announces Diplomatic Boycott of 2022 Beijing Olympics (USA Today) Bennett confirms that extrajudicial…

  • News and Analysis 12/4/21

    “The report shows how Israel worked to …  protect the political and military officials responsible … [for devising and implementing] the unlawful open-fire policy, which resulted in the killing of more than 200 Palestinians and the injury of some 8,000 others”: Unwilling and Unable Israel’s Whitewashed Investigations of the Great March of Return Protests (Palestinian…

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