Month: September 2022

  • News and Analysis 9/30/22

    After being chased by Israeli soldiers a 7-year-old boy vomited blood and was pronounced dead at the hospital: U.S. Supports ‘Immediate and Thorough’ Probe Into 7-year-old Palestinian’s Death (Haaretz) Palestinians Mourn Boy Who Died ‘of Fear’ of Israeli Troops (Washington Post) “The detention of citizens of Germany, Poland, Italy, France, the Netherlands, Sweden and other…

  • News and Analysis 9/28/22

    As “Raisi, who had ordered an investigation into Amini’s death, said ‘forensics will present report on her death in the coming days’” … Iran President Says Amini’s Death Is ‘Tragic Incident’, but ‘Chaos’ Unacceptable (Reuters) … there are signs spreading support… Iranian Teachers’ Union Charges Gov’t with Dishonoring Nation’s Girls, Recalling Theme of Constitutional Revolution…

  • American Religious Leaders Meeting with Raisi

    When Ebrahim Raisi came to the United Nations last week to address the General Assembly, he also revived the traditional annual meeting between Iran’s president and American religious leaders of the Abrahamic faiths. The meeting this year was entitled “The Role of Religious Leaders in the World Crisis.” Three invited speakers were given eight minutes…

  • News and Analysis 9/25/22

    Watch your language! “Meta policy and practice, combined with broader external dynamics, does lead to different human rights impacts on Palestinian and Arabic speaking users”: Facebook Report Concludes Company Censorship Violated Palestinian Human Rights (Israel-Palestine News) “To some bystanders, the solitary piece of construction equipment was no more than an oddity…. But to those who…

  • News and Analysis 9/23/22

    In Twitter’s twisted worldview denouncing Zionists chants of “death to Arabs” constitutes “hate speech” and “incitement to9 violence”: Twitter: Platform of Exchange … Vehicle of Duplicity (Counterpunch) The school textbook takeover furthers the Jerusalem municipality’s master plan to impose Jewish supremacy on the city: Palestinian Schools in Jerusalem Strike over Israel-imposed Books (Aljazeera) “Al Manthari’s…

  • News and Analysis 9/20/22

    “Iran’s president … [and o]ther state organisations including the judiciary and the majlis (parliament) have also vowed to look into the cause of death”: Iran Rocked by Protests over Woman’s Death After Dress Code Arrest (Financial Times) “[I]f the killing was intentional, and Israel does not hold anyone accountable, ‘then the Leahy Law must be…

  • News and Analysis 9/17/22

    He was working his land with his son “when a group of armed Israeli settlers from the nearby Havat Ma’on outpost attacked them”: Israeli Settlers Attack a Palestinian Man, Breaking both His Arms; Israeli Army Arrests Him (Israel-Palestine News) “[A]rrested by Tehran’s ‘morality police’ on September 14” for “improper hijab,” she “was transferred to a hospital…

  • News and Analysis 9/15/22

    As armed resistance spreads “beyond the Jenin refugee camp and the old city of Nablus” Israel reportedly considers “a large-scale invasion of the northern West Bank” … Israel Watches Closely as West Bank Seethes (Al-Monitor) … and Israelis increasingly believe the PA is incompetent to keep the people subdued: Israel Army Officer, Palestinians Killed in…

  • News and Analysis 9/11/22

    The Israelis shot down the man using his smartphone to record them terrorizing unarmed civilians protesting the illegal destruction of a Jenin home: Invading Israeli Soldiers Kill Palestinian Photographing Them, Injure 17 in Jenin (Israel-Palestine News) Surviving on the meager food provided by private charities in the flooded areas is hard, but the government aid…

  • News and Analysis 9/9/22

    Even as Israel belatedly admits “a high possibility” that its troops killed Shireen Abu Akleh it still seeks to avoid responsibility in the face of the evidence… Israel Says ‘High Possibility’ Its Army Killed Shireen Abu Akleh (Aljazeera) Despite Israeli Whitewash, Its Killing of US Journalist Shireen Abu Akleh Was a War Crime (Informed Comment)…

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