Month: January 2023

  • News and Analysis 1/29/23

    Among the devastating facts that “Suarez can back up with hard evidence his assertion that ‘most victims of Zionist assassinations (i.e., targeted killings of specific individuals) were Jews’”: Palestine Hijacked: How Zionism Forged an Apartheid State from River to Sea (WRMEA) “The conference unanimously agrees that Al-Shabaab, ISIS and other like-minded groups have deviated from…

  • News and Analysis 1/26/23

    In the apartheid state, Palestinians property rights and educational rights are easily ignored … Palestinian Farmer Ordered by Israeli Soldiers to Uproot Olive Saplings on His Land (Palestine Chronicle) Palestine: Education Hit by Flagrant Israeli Violations, Says Rights Group (Middle East Monitor) … and political rights are next on the chopping block: Israel Far-right Coalition…

  • News and Analysis 1/24/23

    “Roth himself … [calls] on the university to take a stronger stance in support of academic freedom with regard to criticism of Israel—particularly for those who do not have the public profile he does” … Harvard Changed Its Mind on Ken Roth—Not on Allowing Free Speech About Palestine (The Nation) … and the drafter of…

  • News and Analysis 1/21/23

    ”The Netanyahu government’s vindictive measures are not new, but are only more intense variations of Zionist and Israeli policies that have existed since the 1910″: Israel’s New Government Is Zionism Unveiled (New Arab) Erdogan’s departure would have consequences for Ukraine, Syria, NATO, and, of course, Turkey: What an Erdogan Loss in Turkey’s Presidential Election Would…

  • News and Analysis 1/19/23

    It is illegal to deport a native for even an actual crime; Israel’s willingness to deport people for exposing human riots violations demonstrates the criminal nature of the state: Deportation Punishment for Activism Against Israel, Hammouri Says (Aljazeera) Judge says that when the only way to avoid Christian services is to return to your cell,…

  • News and Analysis 1/16/23

    If doctrine does cannot explain the Hamline controversy, racism might: National Muslim Civil Rights Group Voices Support for Former Hamline Professor (MPR News) National, Local Muslim Groups Differ on Hamline University Response to Art Dispute (Star Tribune) The Review: The Hamline Scandal Is an Onion With Many Layers (Chronicle of Higher Education) The Role of…

  • News and Analysis 1/12/23

    Human rights activists, Palestinian Alumni of Harvard Kennedy School, and Kenneth Roth himself speak out against HKS’s “support for Israeli state-sponsored violence and apartheid”: Harvard Faces Outcry for Rescinding Post to Ex-Head of Human Rights Watch over Criticism of Israel (Democracy Now) Harvard Kennedy School Palestinian Alumni Call for the Resignation of HKS Dean, Reinstating…

  • News and Analysis 1/9/23

    Homes, wells, young people, the PA, its own Arab citizens, and a PTA are among the targets of the apartheid state: Israel Orders Demolition of 5 Homes, 3 Wells in Masafer Yatta (MEMO) Two Youths Injured by Live Bullets During Confrontations with Israeli Soldiers in Jordan Valley Town (Wafa) Israel’s Hardline Govt Revokes Palestinian FM’s…

  • News and Analysis 1/8/23

    At the time Tunisia’s presidency “denied US pressure to dismiss” its ambassador to the UN, who had “prepared the draft resolution condemning ‘deal of the century’”: Kushner Reveals Washington Pressured Tunisia to Dismiss Pro-Palestine UN Ambassador (Palestine Chronicle) Amnesty International “said all of those facing death sentences had been denied the right to adequate defense…

  • News and Analysis 1/5/23

    Sweden’s “progressive” child protection service has taken Muslim children away from their parents on mere suspicion of potential physical abuse and turned them over to sexual abusers: Sweden: Experts, Families Say Sweden’s Social System Mistreats Muslim Children (Muslim News) MPAC declares its opposition to ” the ideology of compulsion in general” stems “not from a…

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