Month: October 2021

  • News and Analysis 10/31/21

    The U.N. secretary general urges Sudan’s generals to heed the tens of thousands protesting the coup as security forces deploy fatal violence against the demonstrators: UN Chief to Sudan Army: Reverse Coup, Take Heed of Protests (PBS) Sudan Coup: Three Killed in Protests Against Military Takeover (BBC) “Over my dead body will they dig up…

  • News and Analysis 10/28/21

    An Israeli court allowed the municipality to dig up “the cemetery based on its claim that it was in a part which contained no graves,” but when bodies were overturned by bulldozers the “court ignored the evidence and maintained the authorisation”: Israeli Demolition of Historic Muslim Cemetery in Jerusalem a ‘Move to Erase History’ (The…

  • Tunisia’s Democracy Under Threat

    [These are my notes from the Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy program on “Tunisia’s Democracy Under Threat: What is at Stake for the MENA region?” held on October 26, 2021, moderated by Khalil Jahshan (Executive Director of the Arab Center in Washington DC). These notes summarize my impression of selected highlights of…

  • News and Analysis 10/25/21

    Has the transition to civilian rule in Sudan been aborted? Protests in Sudan End in Apparent Coup (Middle East Institute) Interrogated on allegations of throwing rocks, she was released without charge and then denied the opportunity to breast feed her baby for no apparent reason save harassment: Israel Police Prevented Palestinian Detainee from Breastfeeding Her…

  • News and Analysis 10/23/21

    “Two of the six groups said they would not be forced underground despite the uncertainty of their new status, which would allow Israel to raid the groups’ offices, seize assets, arrest employees and criminalize funding and expressions of support”: Israel Designates 6 Palestinian Human Right Groups as Terrorist Organizations (NPR) Those who argued that Article…

  • News and Analysis 10/21/21

    The six prisoners are among the 520 held in Israeli jails without formal charges or trial: Palestinians Demand Mobilisation to Save Hunger-strike Prisoners (Aljazeera) “The court said [that] a Muslim ex-wife has a right to maintenance subject to satisfying certain conditions, is indisputable”: Muslim Marriage Is a Contract, Not Sacrament Unlike Hindu Marriage: Karnataka HC…

  • News and Analysis 10/18/21

    “[I]n addition to the burning and cutting down of trees, the attacks included stealing olive crops, chasing down farmers and pushing them off their lands, as well as threatening them and drowning parts of their lands with the sewage water”: Settler Attacks Wreak Havoc on Palestinians During Olive Harvest (Aljazeera) British Muslims are apprehensive “after…

  • News and Analysis 10/15/21

    The unintended positive consequences of the withdrawal from Afghanistan and uncertainty over future U.S. commitments to the Middle East demonstrate the value of nonintervention to safe and secure world: US Military Presence in the Middle East: The Less the Better (Middle East Soccer) Time for Washington to Stop Sanctioning the World: US Arrogance Leaves Trail…

  • News and Analysis 10/13/21

    The Tunisian dictator seems to think that appointing a woman to replace the democratically elected prime minister will distract attention from the fact that he rules “by decree” and not with the consent of the governed: Tunisian Politics: First Woman Prime Minister of the Arab World (Arab America) Thanks to the Israeli blockade and military…

  • News and Analysis 10/11/21

    Columbus “claimed to see more than 400 mosques in the territory he conquered 500 years ago, which today we call Mexico, and he referred to the leader Montezuma as a ‘sultan’”: Columbus’ Fear of Islam, Rooted in Europe’s Crusades, Shaped His View of Native Americans” (LA Times) The Israeli demonstrates its contempt for the property,…

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