Month: November 2021

  • News and Analysis 11/29/21

    Isaac Herzog lit the first candle of Hanukah in the mosque as troops “closed the mosque gates, and prevented Palestinian residents from praying or standing nearby,” shut down shops and assaulted the press “in an attempt to prevent them from covering the intrusion”: Israeli President Storms Al-Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron (Palestine Chronicle) A Palestinian-Dutch filmmaker’s…

  • News and Analysis 11/26/21

    The high court judges said their “hearts go out to the appellant” but that Palestinian noncombatants must just accept the fact that their wholesale slaughter is just like any other “act of war”: Israel’s Top Court Rejects Palestinian Doctor’s Appeal Over Daughters Killed in Gaza (Haaretz) The plan, illegal under International Law “is for 3,000…

  • News and Analysis 11/24/21

    Kashmiri activists condemn the continued use of the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act to “attack on free speech in the region”: Kashmiri Activists Condemn the Arrest of Human Rights Activist Khurram Parvez by NIA of India ( Slurs against students protesting Israeli policies are part of “a multi-layered form of prejudice, inseparable from the overall anti-Muslim and…

  • News and Analysis 11/22/21

    Watching your neighbor’s home destroyed may not be quite as bad as watching your own, but it serves the saying terroristic purpose: We Don’t Just Live Through One Home Demolition — We Live Through Them All (972) As the MSM headline a Hamas member’s killing of a South African settler-colonist IDF veteran, they neglect to…

  • News and Analysis 11/20/21

    Israel doctored their report to justify their attack on an office tower for journalists in Gaza, and Blinken bought it: Israel Handed US ‘Edited Intelligence File’ to Justify Bombing Gaza Tower (Middle East Eye) Authorities preferred to see conspiracy theories flourish than to release the innocent men they had convicted innocent men: They Served Decades…

  • News and Analysis 11/17/21

    MbS’s reform of the League that had spread Wahhabism to his own notion of “religious tolerance and interfaith dialogue … has not translated into allowing Shiites or anyone else in the kingdom to express themselves freely or criticise the crown prince or [his] policy”: Saudi Keeps Eye on Religious Ball in Global Competition for Talent…

  • News and Analysis 11/14/21

    After mobs “ransacked and set fire to mosques and Muslim-owned homes and shops” in October, police target “students, social activists, lawyers on the fact-finding team, the student wing of an Islamic organization,” and other citizens reporting the violence” Indian Police Target People Spreading Alleged ‘Fake News’ on Anti-Muslim Violence (VoA) One of the founders of…

  • News and Analysis 11/11/21

    With U.S. ambitions in the Middle East scaled back and with his credibility on liberalization near zero, MbS’s only ace is normalization of relations with Israel, but this card may have to stay in the hole until the current king, his father, is out of the way: Whither Muslim Solidarity and Moderation? (Middle East Soccer)…

  • News and Analysis 11/8/21

    Shocked by the FBI informant’s eagerness to engage in violence, mosque congregants reported him to the FBI … High Court to Hear Secrets Case over Muslim Surveillance (WAFF) … the secret video and audio recordings embarrassed the imam who had “moderated a community meeting with the head of the FBI’s Los Angeles office” who had…

  • News and Analysis 11/5/21

    Frightened that information provided by human rights groups may help the ICC investigation and Congressional efforts against the arrest of children, Israel resorts to “secret evidence,” i.e. falsehoods obtained by torturing prisoners … Israel’s Secret ‘Evidence’ Against Rights Groups Is Based on Torture and Lies, and Europeans Rejected It — Palestinian Leaders Tell a DC…

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